⟾ 7 | SMOKE & ASH

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Friday, 11:23pm



It hasn't even been two full days since she's made the threat, and she's already wreaking havoc at every second she can. I'd wake up, brush my teeth, go to get some breakfast, but then find out she set something on fire. Then I'd miss breakfast, rush to the site, and find no traces of evidence.

She'd do the exact same thing during lunch and dinner—so I haven't really eaten in 48 hours. Maybe a toastie, but that's it.

However, I found myself wondering what happened in the office when she broke in a few days ago. Will won't tell me the details, but for some reason he abruptly asked to be recruited to Team Dagger once he found out it was Ash who tricked him.

Now, he's acting....strange.

"I've tried matching her facial features to that of her parents," he said, pacing around the office, "if we can get some DNA off of her, then we can prove to the Higher-Ups that she exists."

He stopped wearing a tie for some reason too.

Now it was just a plain blazer and shirt.

"William, we're just supposed to play along," I sighed, leaning into my chair, "she'll get suspicious if we start 'testing' her."

The man shook his head. "She's dangerous, Partridge, we need to do something about it."

"Are you going to tell me what happened, or not?"

"Nothing happened."

"Are you sure?"

"Drop it, please."

"I'm not going to drop it, because it's clearly bothering you," I said, crossing my arms against my chest, "and stop being dramatic, hm?"

I was using his own words against him, out of spite mostly. He shrugged aside my anger when I first met Ash, and now that he did too, he should have understood how infuriating she could be. And seriously, what is it with his tie? I've never seen him without one before, and now he's suddenly avoiding it at all costs.

"Fine," he said, straightening his suit coat, "since you want to play petty, I will."

I smirked. "Good."

"She..." he began, wincing at his own words, "she was very wordy."


"She said some things that...I'm not sure how to describe."

"Use your words, Miller."

"It's complicated."

"Is it?"

"Oh for God's sake," he snapped, throwing his hands into the air, "she flirted with me, Partridge, she nearly made me break rule seventeen, is that what you want to hear?"


You've got to be bloody joking.

If you aren't aware what Rule Seventeen is, I'll describe it to you. Maybe you can see what's so terrible about it:


—Any form of physical attraction is forbidden amongst those employed, as well as any implications, PDA, flirtation, or inappropriate internet-interaction.

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