⟾ 27 | SKYFALL (Part 2)

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(MILD) description of death, knives, guns, blood.



Wednesday, 4:42pm



While I dressed myself in male, arrogant, bravado, my entire mission statement was to help other people. It was my job; I joined the agency, because the world was going to Hell, and I wanted to at least save someone's life in the thick of it. I only pretended to be above it all, because it's what distracted me from the knowledge that one day I might wake up and die the next day.

But I never told anyone that. I'm telling you that, because I just made the one mistake I felt would haunt me for the rest of my life, and I don't care about my reputation any more.

I fell in love.

And the world fell apart.

The only difference was the blame lay on the lover's hands, not the one who was loved. It was my fault. She did nothing but live as she was, perfectly her, and perfect to me. I just couldn't focus, and that's the mistake I made.

"How does it feel?" Millie scoffed, planting her boot against my chest and shoving me backwards, "must be terrible, hm?"

My back hit the floor. "Care to explain what you mean by that?"

"Having to stick around her for so long."

She threw a glance to Ash, who was struggling to climb off the ground with dizziness. She had gotten hit pretty hard a few minutes ago, and had almost blacked out cold. Concussion; I'd have to look at her wound later.

"No, actually," I spat out, "I quite like it."

My response threw Millie off guard, just long enough for me to scramble to my feet and sock her straight in the jaw. She went stumbling backwards, and I didn't cease to use that opportunity to grab her by the collar and send her flying into a console by the wall.

Falling to the ground, the force of her hit sent a vase tipping over on it's side, crashing onto her head.

Give her five seconds and she'll be knocked out. Dusting off my hands, I turned my back on her, and began to walk the other way. Ash was still dizzy from her previous row, but looked up when she saw me approaching.

But then something flickered in her eyes, and the world slowed down.


I don't think I've ever seen fear in her eyes like how I did then. It was enough to make me fear myself. Eyes running cold, face losing all sense of life, and words so chilling it pierced right through my soul.

And it all happened so quickly.

Feeling her hands around my shoulder, spinning me around until we stood in opposite spots, and wondering what was happening. I didn't know. Not until she lurched forward, pain slipping out of her lips as she stood frozen to her spot, her mouth hanging open as if she had lost the ability to speak.

"Ash?" I asked, searching her eyes for an explanation.

She didn't say anything.

But then a trickle of blood slipped out of her lips, dripping down her chin and staining her skin with a river of pure red.

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