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T H E L O V I N G H O L D Sarah had me in was removed when the sound of footsteps approached the balcony area. I see my mother and father step forward and stop just in front of me.

My mother grabs my arm and pulls me into a tight squeeze. It felt cold, numb. I didn't feel the warmth I had with Sarah's hug and this is my real mother.

I uncomfortably pull away from her. She looks at me with a saddened expression "So, finally you've come to check up on your daughter who was almost crushed to death? I'm fine by the way"

"Yes we know Hadley but your alright so no need to go on about it, we should be focusing on your sister now that she's the future Luna" My father said.

My mother looks at my father with a foreign expression, possibly anger? I couldn't make it out.

"You are kidding me right?" Sarah asks while coming forth next to me.

"What do you mean Sarah?" My father questions. His head slightly turns like a confused puppy. How did he not understand that he's acting like a dick.

"What I mean is your child was almost killed tonight, and all you can worry about is Hayley. You almost lost a child and you should be thanking the moon that you didn't!" She shouts angrily.

"Surely your not being aggressive towards the beta Sarah, because that would be a very stupid thing to do" he warns. His tone was something threatening, something dark.

My father was brutal with punishment, worse than the alpha himself. He hated anyone talking down to him. He was evil, pure evil.

"No I am Barry and do not be mistaken. The reaction you and your mate had to your daughters near death experience was something disturbing. Take a look at your child" Sarah says slightly pushing me forward.

My mother inspects me focusing on my face which is no doubt swollen from the crying. "She is as pale as snow, her eyes are puffy from the tears she was shedding all because she almost lost her life, and you just put all your attention on the other daughter. You people are always the same" Sarah scoffs.

"I don't see how you've come to that conclusion" my mother slightly chuckles.

"Well you guys always put Hayley first, you act like you care more about her than Hadley–" Maya speaks but my father cuts her off.

"Now that is just nonsense, and it's none of your business. Your just a pack wolf"

"How dare you! Don't you ever speak of my daughter that way" Maya's mother moves closer to my father so they are almost touching fronts.

She points her slim, bony finger in his face "Don't forget Barry I am a healer, I have more power in my pinky than you do in that whole big body of yours. So watch your tone with my child!"

My father says nothing, only shifts his eyes into slits. Sending daggers Sarah's way. He has some nerve speaking to her that way. Pack healers have the upmost respect from all of the pack, even the alpha.

"What's going on here?" A deep voice asked.

We all turn to see Alpha Devlin and Luna Esmerelda standing tall together. Hayley and Vincent accompanying them.

Both couples are linked together through the arm. I make a split second eye contact with Vincent and it's enough to make me fall to my knees. Even after all that has transpired tonight, he still makes my heart thump.

"Nothing Alpha" my father is quick to reply.

Sarah backs away and slightly bows her head in respect to the alpha. She comes back to my side along with Maya while my parents face the alpha couples.

"Are you alright?" Alpha Devlin questions me.

I quickly nod my head.

"She's fine alpha as you can see she's just a bit shaken up" Sarah spoke for me.

"She will get over it don't worry" my father said to his Alpha.

"It's understandable she's upset Beta Barry" Luna Esmerelda motions to me and has a sympathetic expression.

I notice Hayley roll her eyes, clearly bored from the lack of attention.

"We aren't sure what happened, that chandelier has been hanging for years and my pack members always check it before every event" Alpha Devlin explained.

"It's an old chandelier that fell and just so happened to near miss my sister. Can we all stop being so dramatic over the whole situation" Hayley said in a bitchy tone.

Maya gasps and Luna Esmerelda pulls a weird facial expression at Hayley's outburst on the situation. Vincent slightly elbows her which makes her ask what the problem was.

"I agree with my daughter Alpha, we have more important matters to discuss" Big Barry advised.

That's his new title now, dad and father is a name that is earned. That man has never given me any respect so he shall get none in return.

I look at Vincent with sad eyes. He does the same, but quickly conceals it with a hard uncaring expression. It brings my eyes to the verge of even more tears than before.

How he can give me a loving expression one second, to then an unsympathetic one the next. It's fucked up, totally and utterly fucked up.

This man was suppose to be my mate. The man who I was suppose to love and be loyal to, who I was suppose to run a pack with and eventually have children with.

But now it's all Hayley, Hayley, Hayley.

Well I hate Hayley! I hated her before and I hate her even more now. My own sister, my twin. She has taken over what was suppose to be my life.

I realise I sound jealous and petty. Maybe even crazy, but I know I'm not. I am not the crazy one everyone around me is.

This whole life is crazy, I never wanted it and now I have the excuse to plan what I had always planned. To leave, to get out of this cult.

"As long as the girl is alright we can move on from this and start preparations for Hayley and Vincent's alpha Luna ceremony" Alpha Devlin reveals.

Hayley's face lights up at the thought of becoming Luna, leader of the wolves. Vincent smiles and plants a kiss right on her lips.

It was a sweet kiss, like the ones he use to give me. It did sting my chest to see.

"I am alright alpha" I voice in a strong tone.

He nods his head at me however I notice Esmerelda doesn't see past my fake emotions of strength.

A wall will now forever be built around my head and heart. Emotions are too much, too much feeling.

I honestly feel dirty in myself, dirty that I'm not a wolf, that I've lost my mate to the one I hate most. That my family hates me for who I am and the fact that I slept somewhat impulsively with a man who I now cannot stand.

I had to get out, out of this cult!


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