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Auburn creek~December 24th 2044

I T W A S A cold winter's day here in Auburn creek. A town with a small simple population of three hundred. An old mining town that was retired and run down, but people still stayed. Why?

For its beautiful buildings, exquisite forestry and giant lake, which in the winter freezes over completely. The fisherman can't get any catch to sell at the local supermarket, so winter for them is the poorest and most frustrating time of year.

The whole town has little to no crime...until today.

A car engine roars loud as it drives down the lonely road. A dark purple matte metallic Ford Mustang comes speeding along the dark road.

The windows of the car were tinted black so it was impossible to see the driver or any passengers.

It was late at night, almost midnight which would mean it would soon be Christmas Day. The only light that could be seen was on the headlights of the car which lit up the car's pathway.

Twists and turns of the car were done smooth and effortlessly. Whoever was driving knew what they were doing.

The car dipped over a lump on the road and the engine revved even harder, making a low vibrational sound permeate the air.

A highway became apparent and the Mustang pushed its speed even farther.

The driver had a serious need for speed that was for sure. The moon's luminous light somewhat lit up the highway and the area surrounding it. Few mountains could be seen in the far distance.

There was a white pickup truck parked at the side of the highway out of the way of the lanes. The Mustang sped even faster, trying to reach the white truck at a fast pace.

The car slowed as it began to pull onto the side of the road, right in front of the pickup which also had dark tinted windows where no one could see in.

The Mustang stopped and was still when it came to a halt. The only sound that could be heard was the whistling of the cold bitter wind. Snow-covered the forestry areas around the highway and the mountains.

It was as though time had paused. No one made any moves to get out of either car or turn any headlights off.

It was like a scene from a movie, filled with suspense and wonder. What would happen next? Who would make the first move? What exactly was occurring?

The mustang driver made a move to get out of the car. It was a man, a very tall man at that. He wore a black shirt, overcoat and jeans to match. He also wore black gloves.

His hair was dark, very dark, almost black. The light shining on him from the lamppost showed a slight brown tinge to it. He slammed the car door hard, aggressively if you like. It made a hard bang noise echo throughout the quiet highway. The wind carried it along.

The man with no name moved to the hood of the car and stood tall and firm but prideful. He stared ahead at the white truck which still had its headlights on and directly shown on the dark handsome stranger.

The passenger and driver doors opened simultaneously with two tall men dressed in black suits exiting the car, one bald and slightly heavier than the other. He was the driver. The other man who was not bald and slim approached the back door on his side.

He gently pulled the car door open and a small pair of feet and skinny legs clothed with small suit trousers could be seen hanging out the opened door. It was almost like a child was about to get out of the car.

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