Chapter 1 : Last Time.

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❦ Y/n's POV
I let out a yawn. I am now being in my office, working on my monitor. For my brother asked me to hack into the system of the Moby Dick and make it fall. He's evil. But who am I to say that? I'm his sister, being 50% his clone, means I'm evil too. We're side-by-side being evil.

I finished dropping down the Moby Dick. Now it's time for me to get a nap... I sluggishly walked towards my bedroom, which is attached to my office.
I grabbed the doorknob, sighed, twisted my armkle- I mean my wrist, pushed myself in and ran to the bed with stars in my eyes.
"Ahh, " I said as I drop myself into the bed, "so fluffy..." I crawled to a nearby pillow and hugged it.
But why it isn't soft and fluffy? There's even pointy hair in here!!
I fluttered my eyes open to be met with my brother's pretending-to-sleep form.
"GAHH!!" I shouted and scrambled backwards, "THE FRIG WERE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM NII-SAN???!!"
He chuckled, "Now calm down myshka-chan. I was only here for a break, and some quality siblings time." he said as he sat up, cross-legged.
I slowly calmed down, finally noticed that he was in his Pjs. I let out a sigh.
"Damn u."
"Damn u too."
"Damn u more."
"No. U damned more."
"No, u."
He laughed, "Fine we're both damned." I laughed a bit.
Times like this are the only times Fyo-san shows his caring and loving nature to someone, and that someone is me. It usually started with something surprising, and ended with us both cuddling like we usually did when we were young. Moments like this are treasure to us.
I was zoning out for a moment, and Fyodor noticed. By the next second, I felt ticklish as I snapped myself out of my thoughts.
Fyodor was tickling me, with an evil grin.
"StOppppp!!!!!!! It's tIcKliSh!!!! Haha nii-san sToP!!!!!" I said through laughs. He was always this much shitty...
"No." He said, continued his crazy tickling.
About the touching, Fyodor cannot control his ability to his will, meaning he cannot deactivate it, so it's always activated. Then how am I still alive to this day, this moment? Simple, I share the same ability of his, plus I am his family. Even his ability dared not to kill its sister. Hehe jokes...
I started to get tired from all the laughings. My brother noticed that, he slowly retreated his hands.
I thought it was all over. But I was wrong. Dis tsundere bish of a brother turned away. I sat up and about to ask him what's wrong... when he turned back, with an evil to the max grin, he pushed me back down by the face. Epic bish.
Oh and when I hit the fluffy bed, he intentionally collapsed atop me. We laid in a heap.
Since siblings don't blush, I put on a deadpanned face. And he put on that false peaceful sleeping face with a smirk.
But knowing his weight is suffocating me, he slowly removed himself from atop me. What a shitty brother.
"I wish I was a pillow..." he said with a straight face.
"Why?" I asked, playing along although I already knew the answer.
"That way you could hug me naturally." he answered with some crocodile tears in his eyes.
I sighed, scooting over to him as I wrapped an arm around his torso.
He chuckled then wrap his arms around my small figure, hugging me whole. "Now sleep, myshka-chan~"
I could hear him say it loud and clear before dozing off...

I N D A M O R N I N G~~
My eyes fluttered open as blinding sun rays shot through the curtains. I grumbled and turned to the opposite to continue sleeping.
"Hmm? Myshka? You up?" A hoarse morning voice of a certain someone could be heard behind me.
"No." I mumbled into the pillow beside my head.
He only chuckles. Then the weight beside me was lifted off the bed.
Reality hit me with a cold gush of wind. Though I was in my PJs but I could never resist the cold ass wind in the morning.
I shivered before sitting up. "Fineeee... I'm awake now."
Stretching my lazybones a bit before crawling my way to the closet. I looked for my set of clothing...
(Aaand you're wearing the same set of clothing as Fyodor's in Dead Apple.)

Fyodor has finished dressing up. He is now standing at the door frames, staring at me, "If you'd ever disappear from this world... know that I'll always look for you, then I'll be by your side again... Because that's what siblings do right? Looking out for each other... And be by their sides.", he said sadly. Maybe he knows what gonna happen next. I sighed and gave him a smile that says you're worrying too much.
Once I've done changing clothes and did all the morning routines, I xame out to the dining room to eat breakfast with that secretive brother of mine.
There was a wonderful breakfast waiting, and Fyodor sitting by another end of the long table. He sent me a sad smile. I ignored that negative fuel for morning.
I sat down and began to eat.

*time skip...*
"Ahhhh... Oishii~" I patted my stomach, indicating that I am full to the max. Fyodor's gaze softened, but tensed up again, then it was replaced with pure sadness.
"Huh? What's wrong nii-sa-" I was cut off mid-sentence when I suddenly fall down...
"Y/N!!", my brother's scream of agony is the last thing I heard before passing out...

❦ Fyodor's POV
"I never thought they'd take her away this soon..." as I clicked my tongue and slumped back down into my chair, my head in my hands...
"Why? She was my only family left... She was my source of everything... Why? Why must she be taken away?" I mumbled as I let out small tears rolling down my cheeks...
"So last night is our last time being together..."

On That Day, Humanity Received A Bright Reminder... (Aot x Reader x Bsd) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora