Chapter 3 : What is that?

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Before my eyes, the scenario of a small poor town was painted with the colors of peace and high-temperatureness.
I just stared.
They lived inside a wall. A very big wall.

❦Y/n's POV
"Wowww..." I said in awe.

"Hm? Why are you so surprised?" Eren suddenly turned and asked, also making Mikasa stop.

"I- Um..." What is this? What's going on with me? I've never been like this before...

"Oh yes... You fell through a... a black hole from the sky... Can you tell us how did you get through that hole?" Eren reminded, his emerald orbs shone with curiosity.

"Ah... That, I don't know. I was at peace when the hole suddenly opened up and boom, here I am." I said, making my hands "bloom" as an illustration for the sound effect I added.

"Huh? That's weird. Well, let's forget about that, temporarily, and enjoy our day-" Eren was cut mid-sentenced upon catching a glimpse of three silhouettes not so far away.

Mikasa and I followed his eye direction, but we're too late,

Eren has ran off, and the silhouettes are gone,
into the nearby alley.

"EREN!" Mikasa called for the brunette and immediately dragged me with her.

She ran, dragging me along, to where she believes the hot-headed brunette is.

He is facing some bulliers, three bulliers, to be precise, and they look like as if they're about to beat the hell out of him, and another boy, who seemed to be the main target of the bulliers earlier.

But once Mikasa appears from behind Eren, the boys scurry off in terror.

"YEAH! THEY'RE TOO SCARED OF ME!" Eren says triumphantly.

"But I think they're scared of Mikasa more..." The blonde boy in the corner says shyly.

They almost forgot about me-

"Ah... What's your name? I'm Armin Arlert. Nice to see you're awake!" The blonde boy introduces.

"I'm Y/n Dostoevsky! Nice to meet you. And how-"

"Oh... Earlier when Eren, Mikasa and I were playing, it must be you who fell through a hole from the sky. And I helped them bringing you to their home." He says shyly with a hand in his nape, rubbing.

"Ohhhh..." I say.

Then a loud ring of a bell alerts us.

"THE SCOUTS HAVE CAME BACK FROM THEIR MISSION! LET'S GO GUYS!!!" Eren says excitedly, with bright gleams in his eyes.

"What... is the scouts?" I ask confused.

"The scouts, in short of the Scout Regiment, is a specialized organization of the military to venture out into the undiscovered lands beyond the walls." Eren says excitedly and starts dragging me and his friends along.

"O... kay?"

We kept running until we met a crowd.

A crowd of men and women. Surrounded by the crowd, are some people on horse, and in green cloaks with two colored wings logos on them.

The looks on their faces were undescribable.

Consisting of pain, despair, hopelessness, remorse, hatred, and literally every kind of negative emotions.

And the citizens are talking about how their taxes are down the drain now, with the failure of the expedition.

"Wow! They're so cool!!!" Eren exclaims with a wide smile from next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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