The Calm Before the Storm

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I had really come to spend some time with Pyrrha, but as soon as I saw my old friend from Vacuo, Sun, I just knew I had to prank him. It's a long standing tradition between the two of us. So, with a chuckle, a wink at Pyrrha, and a finger over my lips, I faded from view and took off with team RWBY after my friend, Sun.

They didn't really last long as Weiss crashed into someone, so I just reinforced my legs and sped up, following the sight of Sun's blonde monkey tail waving in his wake.

He may be fast, but with the technique called "Reinforcement" that mom and dad taught me, I'm faster than even most Huntsmen. So I caught up to him pretty quickly. I didn't even have to decide what trick to pull on him, as I already had one in mind. I had picked up his banana peel from earlier and so as I silently pulled ahead of him, I dropped it in front of him. Mere seconds later, he slipped on it, falling on his face on the gravel roof we happened to be running on.

"Uh, oof. That hurt. Where did that banana peel come from?"

A mischievous look would have been stretching across my face if he could see me. But, alas, he could not.

"I wonder...did it come from your banana brain?"

Sun bolted up and started to look around.

"Who?!? Wait...Rex?"

I let my semblance go and faded back into existence, standing in front of him with a smirk on my face.

"Who else can use your own stuff to make you look like such an idiot?"

There was a pause as we glared at each other half heartedly. It lasted for about thirty seconds before he could hold it anymore and broke out into a grin.

"It's good to see you Rex, I didn't think we'd see each other for quite a while when your parents moved you to Vale and mine sent me to Mistral, but look at us now!"

He then brought me into a bro hug. As we separated, I nodded my head, punching his shoulder.

"Yeah, although, I think I've done a bit more than you, just a bit."

I smirked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Oh yeah? My team is one of the top teams in Shade."

I chuckled evilly.

"Yeah, so are we. Did y'all get the news about that Minotaur Grimm yesterday here in Vale?"

He crossed his arms and nodded with a frown on his face.

"Yeah so?"

My smirk grew even wider.

"We were some of the people fighting it. A member of my team was even the one who took it down. We evacuated the rest of the wounded students as he dealt with it."

His arms loosened themselves as his frown turned less annoyed and slightly impressed.

"Ok, that's kinda cool but..."

I held up a hand up, smug as can be.

"I'm not done, banana brain. You remember that Thunderjaw a bit back? The first one seen near a kingdom in a century?"

I paused as he nodded, his frown disappearing completely as he went slack-jawed, realizing what I was hinting at.

"Yeah my team was the one who defeated it."

I held out my hands.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do the most damage or anything, but I wasn't letting the boss face it alone. None of our team ran."

Storm of Roses: Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now