Through that Long Winter's Night

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Thirteen Minutes Later

I had rounded up the Village. All the children and elderly were inside the mountain temple, the safest place inside the whole village. Quite literally everyone else was in the Square. I stood next to the Chieftain in full battle armor. Over my normal combat attire, I had a chest plate, arm bracers, and shinguards. I finally had my Guardian's cloak back and was wearing it over everything.

I rolled my shoulders and listened to the Chieftain.

"Earlier today, a mysterious messenger came to us, demanding our loyalty to his Queen, his Master. He wanted us to abandon our Sacred Duty culling the Pools of Grimm to follow this mysterious Queen."

There was a roar of outrage from the crowd. The Chieftain waited for it to quiet down before continuing.

"Now people have come from every Kingdom asking us to come to them, work for them, or at very least let them study us. What was our answer for them?"

There was a resounding cry as the village cried out in one voice.


The Chieftain nodded proudly, staring at our people. I could tell what the Chieftain was doing. He was pumping everyone up for the fight to come. Just like him, I had a bad feeling about tonight. So, I decided to add to the fire of our rage.

"What did we say when that particularly snooty Specialist from Atlas returned time after time?"

Again, the answer was unanimous and emphatic.


Then the Chieftain whispered to me.

"You know spanking her with her own sword was a little bit overboard."

I smirked. That particular memory brought a smile to my face every time.

"But sir, you know that she was asking for it when she called me a 'little boy'. I'd say she deserved it."

The Chieftain nodded, a small smile on his face now too. Then we both turned to the crowd. The Chieftain called out once more.

"So what would we say to someone who wants us to not only bow to them, but abandon a Sacred Duty we have been carrying out since before recorded history?"

For the third consecutive time, the response was immediate, unanimous, and overwhelming.


I nodded, but then my face took on a grim visage.

"Tonight might be, no...will be, the longest night we have faced so far. All we must do is make it through this long winter's night."

I took a deep breath.

"Ok so this is what we're gonna do. I need people with long range semblances to split into two groups. I have a feeling we're going to be at this for a long time. This way half of the long range attackers can recharge their Aura at a time. I need everyone with Ranged weapons on the wall, or perched on the highest places in town. I want to create a net of coverage, this will keep flying Grimm at Bay for as long as possible. That, and we keep them off of the Wall for as long as possible too."

I started pacing.

"The Chieftain and three warriors will stay with the children. Scarlett, Roland, and Jackson, you four will be our last line of defense. Behind me, you three have the best chance at saving the children should everything go to hell. As for me? I will be floating along the wall, helping to keep Grimm off of it, dealing with problem Grimm, and the occasional heavy hit for a big boom. Only victory or death ends my battle. I will lead you to the best of my ability until I take my last breath, or we emerge victorious."

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