new addition (requested)

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The sound of the front door opening and the feeling of small arms wrapping around your neck woke you from your slumber. You opened your eyes and met Lily's bright ones as she stared back at you.

"Hey, honey," you spoke softly as you sat up and patted the spot beside you for Lily to sit down next to you, only for her to crawl onto your lap and hug you tightly.

"Hey, Lily, be careful, okay? Your mom's not really feeling all that well." Rosie said as she came over to gently pull Lily off of your lap and onto hers as she took a seat on the other cushion beside you.

"It's alright. Did you have fun today?" You asked as you brushed your fingers through her hair and watched her nod happily.

She recently started her first year of school and although she was nervous the first few days, she's begun to enjoy it and has even made some friends.

You're happy she was at school today, considering you've done nothing but go to your doctor's appointment with Rosie and sleep.

You're only a couple of months into your pregnancy, so early that you aren't even showing yet. You told Rosie as soon as you found out. It took a lot for you both to get here, but it was all so worth it.

Or, at least you're sure it is. Sometimes it's hard to tell when you're dealing with agonizing morning sickness and such terrible fatigue and hot flashes that you struggle to leave the coziness and comfort of your bed.

You probably would've slept the day away, but it was one appointment you couldn't miss. You've been anxiously waiting for it so you could finally get some pictures that you could show to Lily and finally share the news with her.

"It was fun!" She said excitedly, sending you that smile that you absolutely adore; a smile you love so much that you hope the new addition to your family that would be arriving in just seven or so months would also have.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she wiggled off of Rosie's lap and moved closer to you.

You turned to Rosé and she nodded her head, wordlessly telling you that it was about time you share the news with her.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be better so soon, so don't you worry." You said and patted her head, making her giggle happily. "But, baby, Rosie and I have something really important to talk to you about."

Lily nodded her head and looked between the both of you with big and wondrous eyes. She was clearly curious as to what you had to say.

Rosie reached into her bag and pulled out a photo that you got from the doctor's today. She handed it to you and then put her hand on your stomach.

"You see that little thing right there? About the size of a blueberry?" You asked and Lily looked closely for a moment before nodding at you. "That's your little sister or brother. They should be here in about seven months, joining us and making you a big sister."

She gasped, her eyes going wide and a smile tugging at her lips that was just as wide.

"You're gonna be a big sister, Lily!" Rosie smiled. "Your mom's pregnant. Are you happy?"

"Yeah!" She screamed excitedly before throwing her arms around you.

"Be careful." Rosé reminded her politely, running her hand along her back until she moved and hugged her tightly, tiny arms wrapped as tight as they could be around Rosie as Lily gave her the biggest hug ever.

"We've got a new little addition coming to the family in a few months. Are you ready to be a big sister? I think you're gonna be the most amazing big sister." Rosé asked, a rush of excitement coming over her just thinking about your little baby joining your already beautiful and loving little family.

"Yes, I will be," she nodded, making your heart flutter.

She moved to look at the picture again.

"So small." She pointed to the tiny blueberry-sized baby in the photo.

"For now. They're gonna start to grow very fast very soon." Rosie said and put her hand back on your stomach, and Lily quickly put hers over Rose's, making your heart flutter.

"I can't wait for them to come." Rosé smiled as she kissed your forehead, causing you to smile along with her

"Me too!" Lily said and kissed your cheek before putting her head on your shoulder, causing Rosie to coo and your heart to warm.

You know already that your little baby is gonna be so loved. With an amazing older sister she'll always be able to turn to and two moms that adore them so very much, they'd be spoiled with all the love they deserve, and even more.

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