take your medicine (requested)

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"Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?" You asked Lily as you and Rosie entered her room.

She was laying in bed with the covers pulled up to her shoulders and a bucket beside her for when she felt nauseous.

Lily has only been sick a handful of times since she was born but this seems to be the sickest she's ever been.

You're pretty sure it's some sort of stomach bug that she's just come down with today and in a few days, she'll be better.

But until then, you and Rosie have to care for her, and while neither of you minded that in the slightest, it was heartbreaking to see her so sick.

"Do you still feel sick, honey?" Rosé asked as she walked to the bed with you.

Lily nodded her head slowly and closed her eyes as you felt her forehead.

"She's getting warm again." You said.

"That's alright. She'll be better in no time with this medicine." Rosie said with a hopeful smile.

Lily's eyes flew open at the word medicine and she watched Rosie fill up the cap before putting it near her lips.

"Can you take this for us, sweetie?" She asked Lily, who shook her head.

"Honey, you need to." You said.

"Come on, Lily. Take it for us. It'll help you feel better."

"No!" She said before turning her head the other way as Rosé put the capful of medicine to her lips.

"Lily, sweetie, please don't make this complicated. Take it." Rosie spoke, only for Lily to shake her head again. "Lily, I'm not playing around. Take your medicine."

"No! I won't." She argued with Rosie.

"I'm not playing games. Your mom and I are worried about you. This'll help you. So take it already!"

"No!" She said before turning onto her side, her back facing Rosie.

"Oh, come on, Lily! Just take it, will you?!" Rosie asked with a huff, her voice raised slightly.

She was frustrated and your little girl was still being stubborn.

"I don't want to!" Lily said. "It tastes bad. I won't take it."

"Stop it already. Both of you." You said, putting an end to the argument.

Though your daughter was still young, she definitely took after you when it came to being stubborn and standing her ground.

And that was frustrating at times, especially when she was sick.

"I don't want to hear arguing anymore."

"Sorry." They said in unison.

"Lily, you need to take this medicine. It'll help you feel better, even though it doesn't taste good. You're sick. You will take it."

"Okay." She said and opened her mouth for Rosie to put the medicine in before she swallowed it.

Rosé looked at you in shock and annoyance.

"It was that easy?" She scoffed. "How come she listened to you yet argued with me?"

"I don't know." You said as you shrugged your shoulders. "She just knows I don't mess around and what I say goes."

"Whatever," Rosie grumbled.

"At least she took it. That's all that matters."

"Yeah, I guess." Rosie sighed before looking at Lily. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, honey. I just got annoyed. I only want what's best for you, especially because I know you don't feel well."

"It's okay," Lily said. "I'm sorry too."

"Good. Now that everything's better, we should let her get some sleep." You said.

You and Rosie were about to leave her room to let Lily rest when she stopped you.

"Sing to me, mom?" She asked Rosie as she grabbed her hand in her small one.

Rosé's eyes lit up and she agreed to do so in a heartbeat as a smile appeared on her face.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high," Rosé began to sing.

You watched with a smile as she ran her fingers through Lily's hair for comfort as your daughter drifted off to sleep, feeling a little better already.

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