Chapter 11- shopping with papa

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Papa said that I was going to be joining the same school as Nio on day after tomorrow meaning I had to go to the mall to get some of the school supplies today so that I can have tomorrow to relax and get everything set. 

I walked up to the game room to see Nio playing on his PlayStation.

"Nio? Can you please drop me to the mall? I have to buy some stuff for school." I asked him hesitantly.

"Who's Nio?" He asked with a faked confused expression. "It's Tony and only people I care about can give me nicknames which obviously doesn't include you" he said making me feel another stab in my heart. It's the same every time I'm around him. I always end up wanting to cry because of the things he say but I can't give him the satisfaction of making me cry and I can't let him see me as a weak little girl.

"Can you drop me to the mall, Tony?" I asked with a sickly sweet sarcastic smile as I felt the anger rise. Towards him for making me feel so weak. Towards myself for letting him get to me. Towards the world for making my life so miserable.


"And why is that?" I asked with a sigh

"Can't you see? I don't have time for such unimportant people"

"And you are busy doing what? Playing on your PlayStation?" I asked with a bored expression.

"Yes. It is way more important than you" he said casually as if he didn't just say that some piece of plastic shit is more important than me-a living human being. I sighed and decided to let him go and went to papa's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard papa's faint voice.

"Hey papa. Are you busy?" I asked, smiling at him which earned me a smile back.

"No honey. I'm just free. Is there anything you need?" He asked me.

"I needed you to drop me to the mall if it's ok?"

"How about I join you? A little father-daughter bonding time?" He asked with a hopeful expression. The thought of spending time with papa made me so happy that I couldn't help the huge grin that came over my face.

"That sounds amazing papa" after that we drove to the mall and bought the things I needed.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Papa asked.


What movie would you like to watch?" He asked.

"Um.. how about Finding Nemo?" I asked. I love that movie but 'vampire academy' is my all time favorite. However, since it has some sexual scenes in it I can hardly watch it with my father.

After the movie we went to get some food. 

"Are you happy Adrianna?" Papa asked before taking a bite from his sandwich.

"Yes papa. I love spending time with you. I am so happy that I can do it again." I replied with a genuine smile.

"I mean are you happy that you decided to live with me and Antonio? Do you prefer living with your mom or with me? You don't have to choose of course but I just wanted to know if I'm being an okay father"

"Papa I love you. I love living with you, spending time with you, going school shopping with you, talking to you and doing every other thing that I can with you. Mama never acknowledged my existence. It was like we didn't live together. She was always... busy. With you, it's amazing. I never went shopping with mama like I just did with you. I never talked to her like this. I love you so much and I'm so thankful that I am finally living with you again. So please don't doubt yourself. You are an amazing father." I smiled genuinely and saw that papa had glossy eyes. He came up to me, hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too sweetheart and I am so happy that you came back to live with me. I missed you"

After talking to papa in the food court, we both finished our food and came back home. Papa went to his room to get some rest and I went to mine and decided to prepare my clothes for tomorrow. As I finished preparing everything I needed it was nearly midnight. I decided to go outside and get something to drink. I opened the fridge, got some juice out and poured it in a glass. I heard footsteps as soon as I finished drinking the juice.

"Hey N-Tony. What are you doing awake so late?" I asked as I saw Tony approaching. Its really hard to think of him as Tony since I've always called him Nio.

"That's none of your business" he said coldly

"Oh. Um- are you going to drop me to school tomorrow? Its my first day. Papa told me that I'm going to the same school as you."

"Why in the world would I drop you to school?" he had a expression on his fact that asked me are you dumb!?

"Maybe because you are my twin brother"

"Listen. You are not going to tell anyone that you are biologically my sister. If anyone finds out that we are related, I'm going to make your school life a living hell"

My life's already a living hell

I wanted to say that but of course I didn't.

"Why?" I asked. He leaned on the counter with his hands tucked under his chin and said

"Because Anna, you are only my biological sister. I don't really think of you as a sister. If I had a choice, I would've chosen a damn chihuahua over you" he said before walking away.

I honestly don't understand why does he hate me so much. What did I ever do? I have always loved him. Cared for him more than my life. Went through torture for him. Lost my childhood for him. Just to make sure he was safe. But guess what I got in return:



Being forgotten by my twin

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