What Once Was Mine, pt. 2

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Three days till finals are over!!!

Trigger warnings: attempted murder (It's Hector; what did we expect?)


Varian frowned as he looked over the recipe. "So it says here that once we make it, we have to let it simmer overnight," he grumbled. "Well, it is what it is. Let's get started!"

"Sorry, Varian," the princess said. "I know you were excited about this."

"It's fine. Just one more night." He looked at the cauldron over the fire. "Shall we get started?"

Her smile looked a little too forced as she agreed. Varian was nervous. Was this actually a memory cure, or was this another one of their lies? Maybe a poison? No, he didn't think they wanted him dead. They'd've done it already. But they wouldn't give his memories back if they were lying to him!

"Right!" Lance exclaimed. "Let's get this potion made!"

"Serum," Varian corrected. "Or cure, if you prefer. 'Potion' sounds like magic. I don't believe in magic. No, I am a man of science!" he placed his hand against his chest dramatically. "Although the recipe does mention a Wand of Oblivium. Don't know what that is, but it sounds like magic. Are you sure this is going to fix memory loss from a head injury?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Cassandra insisted. "Does it matter if the cause of memory loss is magical or physical?"

"Probably, but it's not like we have any better options, so I suppose we'll try this. And I don't believe in magic—"

"Really? I'm shocked."

"So it's probably just a generic memory cure. Right, now I need my equipment. Could one of you run and grab it, please?"

He watched their faces carefully. The princess and her crew didn't seem to notice anything amiss. Hector and Adira, however, shared a knowing look that he didn't like. Hector stepped forward. "Do you need it?"

"I'd like it. I lost half my vision in an explosion. I don't want to take any chances. Where are my goggles?"

They looked at each other again. "We don't have them," Hector continued. "Haven't for the whole trip."

"Why don't I have my goggles? What about the rest of my stuff?"

"You don't do alchemy right now." At Hector's words, Varian saw the princess's eyes widened. "Not since the... incident."

"Why would I stop? It's not like I haven't had 'incidents' in the past. Alchemy is my life! What did you guys bring me for if I don't do that anymore?"

"You're brilliant," the princess interjected. "Just because you don't do alchemy doesn't mean you don't do other stuff."

Varian frowned but turned back to the cauldron. "Okay. I'll just be careful, then. It'll probably be fine." He was more certain than ever. A little explosion would have never kept him from doing what he loved. Not even if it cost him his eye.

So where was his stuff?


Varian suspected them.

That much was obvious. The way his eyes darted around suspiciously, the way he intentionally chose targeted questions, the way his voice held a false camaraderie as he chatted with the others, thinly concealing a tone of distrust. Maybe the princess's group hadn't noticed, but to Hector, it was as obvious as the sun rising.

Varian tossed the ingredients one by one into the cauldron, measuring them carefully as he did and ordering the others about without so much as a by-your-leave. He was in his element now, and they snapped to attention to follow his orders.

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