Days of Glory

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Happy New Year's Eve!

I apologize for the unexpected hiatus. I thought I'd have time to write this semester, but student teaching is brutal. But!!! I graduated!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, I've been unfortunately rather busy, but I've been picking away at this in my limited free time, and Portal took care of sections of it for me, may she be eternally blessed. I have been reading y'all's comments, though, and I want to thank y'all for y'all's support and kindness. I'll be going in and responding to as many as I can very soon.

The ASTOUNDING fanart above (here's the link if it's not showing above was made by the talented Sophiathe0th on Tumblr! I meant to post it in the last chapter, but it slipped my mind in the chaos, and I apologize.


Growing up in the countryside, Varian had watched the way new mothers, whether they be hens, goats, or even humans, corralled their children and kept them close by their sides. They panicked when their young ones left their sight and only calmed upon tucking them back under wing.

Hector was worse than that.

He hadn't let Varian move more than a foot away from him in the last hour.

The Brotherhood, King Edmund, and the remaining Coronans, along with their animals, had congregated in the circular sitting room of the Brotherhood's chambers. Someone had set a fire going, driving away the ever-present chill that seeped into the rooms from the cold stone and the wind off the mountains; the atmosphere surrounding the gathered people was far from warm, however.

Hector snarled softly as Eugene paced too close to where he and Varian were sitting on the couch, tightening the hold of his arm around Varian's shoulders. The Coronan-or were they referring to him as part of the Dark Kingdom now? Hector didn't seem to act like it, and Varian frankly didn't want to-backed up, hands up placatingly.

Across the room, the king stood by the window, in whispered conversation with Adira. His face had turned an impressive shade of red, almost matching Adira's paint. The lady warrior crossed her arms in front of her chest, jaw set stubbornly. She certainly didn't look afraid of him, but Varian couldn't bring himself to look away. The others had engaged in conversations of their own, respectfully giving the two their space; polite, yes, but was there danger in that? Was Varian the only one here concerned for her safety? He tried to relax back into Hector's side-stars knew he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon-but he kept his gaze fixed on them.

Kiki purred contentedly, the vibrations traveling up Varian's legs from where the bearcat pressed against him. The warmth and the soothing rumbles teased him with the desire to sleep, but he shook off the feeling.

With a low growl, King Edmund turned away from Adira and strode towards the center of the room. Adira followed him and stood next to the couch where Varian and Hector rested, muttering under her breath.

"I see no other option," the king spoke up. "Hector, can you track the thief?"

"Easy," he answered. "She won't outrun my boys. What's the order?"

Edmund sighed. "If she surrenders, retrieve the Moonstone and bring her back here to face judgment. If she refuses... you know what to do."

Hector released Varian to stand and bow. "Of course."

Rapunzel frowned. "Wait. Are you saying you'll kill her?"

"If she leaves me no other option," Hector answered. "She took our kingdom's most sacred object. She desecrated its resting place. She lied to all of us-and she nearly killed Varian." He scowled, eyes narrowing to slits. "I shoulda killed her at the Great Tree. That was my failing as a knight. Had I just done my job, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. For that, my king," he continued, bowing to Edmund once more, "I apologize. I won't fail again. Thank you for allowing me the chance to redeem myself."

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