Chapter 32

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I pushed open the door and turned the lights on but...nothing.

He wasn't here.

I started panicking and my happy thoughts were clouded by...not so happy thoughts.

Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly accepted the call without checking who was calling me.

"Wes?" I quickly asked, hoping it was him.

"No, it's Macy. You called twenty minutes ago. What's up?" She asked and so I told her what had happened today. That it was my birthday and that Wes was no where to be found.

"Okay calm down, maybe it's best if we wait and see if he comes to work tomorrow. Right? There has to be an explanation and I'm sure he'll be fine. Just try to get some rest and we'll see tomorrow."

"I guess." I sighed even though this was far from what I wanted to do.

"Good. Go to sleep. See you tomorrow. Oh and Ana?"


"Happy birthday and please don't worry too much." She said and hung up.

Maybe she was right. There was nothing I could do right now and no matter how much I hated waiting I guess this was the way to go for now.

I got ready for bed but I got nothing even close to a good night sleep. I kept tossing and turning and no matter what I did I couldn't fall asleep.

At 4am I decided to give up and took a hot shower to try and get my mind of things and relax my body but that didn't help much either.

At around 5am I was already dressed and ready to go. Since there was nothing more to do here I decided to just get an early start and made my way to the company.

Not a single soul was there.

I made my way to Wes' office but nothing had changed since yesterday. I sat down on his chair and just waited. I rested my head on the table and without even realizing I fell asleep from exhaustion.

I was woken up by a loud thud and as soon as I had opened my eyes I saw Harry had entered the room and was just staring at me.

"People are starting to arrive." He told me and I just nodded before getting up.

"Have you heard from him?" I asked and cleared my throat so my voice wouldn't sound so raspy.

"I haven't." He replied, shaking his head.

"Ana!" I heard Macy suddenly yelling.

"What is it?" I asked as soon as she stood in front of me but by the look on her face I knew she didn't have any good news.

"Wes is in the hospital."

"What?" I asked even though I heard exactly what she had just said.

"His mother called the reception. He got into an accident. I don't know exactly what happened or how he is but he's at the James Emmerson Hospital." She quickly explained and without a second thought I was running towards the elevator.

I pressed the button multiple times but since everyone was arriving at work right now it was no use so I had to take the stairs.

It felt like I was running down the stairs for forever but when I finally arrived at the lobby I started roaming through my purse to find my car keys.

"Miss Clarens?" The woman from the reception called after me.

"I won't be in today." I said and with that I was out the door and sprinting towards my car.

My hands were shaking so much as I tried to press the button to unlock my car.

"Let me." Someone said from beside me and placed their hand onto mine, grabbing the keys from me.

I just nodded and got in the passenger seat.

"He'll be okay." Harry said as he drove off into the direction of the hospital.

"He'll be okay." He repeated but much quieter as if trying to confince himself.

No more words were spoken and it felt like forever until we finally arrived at the hospital.

The both of us immediately started running to the reception.

"Wesley Paul! We're here for Wesley Paul." I said out of breath.

"One second." The nurse at the desk said and started typing on her computer.

"Are you his friends?" Someone asked from behind us and I turned around to see a woman around my mothers age. She looked exhausted and as if she had cried for hours.

"Yes." I nodded and by the small smile that appeared on her voice I realized who she was.

"You're his mother." I stated and she nodded grabbing me by the hand and pulling me to the waiting room.

"Look Richard these are Wes' friends." She said to a man who sat alone in the front row of the waiting room.

"I'm Ana." I introduced myself but I couldn't manage to smile.

"I'm Harry."

I totally forgot he was behind me the whole time and despite everything that happened between us I was glad he was here.

"I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you two." She said, still holding onto my hand.

"Do you have any information about what happened and how he is?" Harry asked, stepping beside me.

"We don't know much. He's in surgery right now and in critical condition. Apparently he got hit by a truck after leaving a cake shop." Richard, his dad, told us.

A cake shop. He was getting a cake for my birthday.

And just like that tears started falling from my eyes uncontrollably.

"Oh honey." His mom said pulling me into a hug, reminding me of my own mom.

"Why don't you guys sit down." She said and pulled me down with her.

I hated crying in front of people and I tried so hard to keep it in especially in front of his parents. They probably felt even worse than me.

I tried calming myself as best and fast as I could and when I finally calmed down Mary pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears from my face.

However, her own face was stained with tears which was breaking my heart, knowing that he was only at the cake shop because of me. It was my fault he was in the hospital.

"I need some air." I announced and quickly made my way outside.

I sat down on a bench, bawling my eyes out as suddenly someone pulled me into their chest.

"It's my fault." I cried, gripping onto the arm that was holding me.

"That's not true. Stop thinking like this." I heard Harry's voice from above me.

"He went to the cake shop for me. He was there because of me."

"It's not your fault." He said, holding me tighter and letting me break down in his arms.

"He wanted to get a cake for my birthday. It's my fault. I didn't tell him. It's my fault." I repeated the same sentence over and over again.

"Shh, it's not true. It's not your fault you hear me? It's not your fault."



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