Chapter 11

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"This had to be the most stressful weekend of my whole entire life." Wes groaned as the both of us fell down on a couch in the hotel lobby.

We had just finished our last job and thankfully we were the first group to finish. The MET gala was happening in this very moment and to our luck we weren't on the red carpet team.

The red carpet team were the photographers only which also thankfully meant Harry.

The last two days felt like we were back to square one. We were bickering all day yesterday for stupid reasons and it annoyed me so much that I officially stopped trying to give a shit.

In the mean time me and Trey really hit it off and it seemed like he was almost flirty with me even though I wasn't quite sure. Not that I minded, though.

"Hey guys."

Speaking of the devil.

"Hey man, are you up for some drinks at a bar?" Wes asked since we had discussed going out tonight as we were on our way back to the hotel.

"For sure. I just drove past some bars just around the corner. When are we going?" He asked and sat down beside me.

"Let's say in an hour?" Wes suggested and Trey & I both agreed.

"I'm gonna go get ready." I announced and left the two boys in the lobby while I made my way to the hotel room.

I freshened up a little, got dressed into something less business like, meaning a pair of flared pants with a crop top and redid my make up that had been going strong since six in the morning.

Just when I was putting my heels on the door opened and in came Trey, of course.

From the corner of my eye I saw him watching me so I looked up and my eyes immediately locked with his. He looked away as if he was embarrassed that I caught him staring at me.

"I'm just gonna quickly change as well." He said and opened the drawer to grab a different shirt.

He grabbed another one and stared at them both for a second before turning around to face me again, holding up both of the button up shirts.

"Which one?"

"I like the green." I said chosing that one over the blue.

"Brings out your eyes." I added, making sure to see what his reaction was. He smiled at me and casually pulled off the shirt he was currently wearing.

God damn.

I got up from the edge of my bed where I had been sitting and walked over to the mirror to see if I had to fix anything before we left.

When I was satisfied I turned around seeing that Trey was also ready to go.

"Let's go." I said and grabbed my little purse that could only hold my phone, a lipstick, my ID and some cash.

We knocked on Wes' door and a few seconds later he opened the door.

"Oh my god." I said and bursted out laughing.

"Nah man, I'm gonna go change." Trey said and was about to open the door to our room again but I stopped him.

"You guys look so cute with the same shirt on and it will make it easier for me incase I loose one of you. Let's go boys." I said and started walking towards the elevator, hoping they would follow which of course they did.

On the way to the bar I tried so hard not to laugh at them as they pouted everytime someone raised an eyebrow at them after noticing that they were basically dressed as twins.

For me it was very amusing.

"I'm gonna order us some drinks you guys get us a table." Wes said as soon as we entered the first bar we saw.

I just nodded and followed Trey who was already pushing himself through the crowd of sweaty, drunk and dancing people.

Luckily, we found a table in the corner and we sat on one side, leaving space for Wes to sit opposite us.

Shortly after Wes joined us and placed three drinks and a couple shots on the table.

We engaged in some small talk and before I knew it the shot glasses were empty and Trey came through with more rounds.

"Macy, Jackson!" Wes suddenly yelled and I looked up just to see that they were on their way over to our table.

"Hey guys." They said and Trey scooted closer to me to make space for Jackson while Macy joined Wes opposite us.

Before anyone could say anything else three other employees joined us and grabbed some chairs from other tables sit with all of us.

"Who's ready to dance!" Macy yelled excitedly after she had downed a couple shots.

She scanned the table to see if there were any other volunteers but no one said anything. Just when her eyes looked with mine I saw someone approaching the table and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Hell yes!" I exclaimed and jumped up from my seat but not before downing another shot.

Macy cheered and I tried getting past Trey who didn't seem to move an inch whereas Jackson was so kind to scoot back a little to let me through.

I turned to Trey once more and decided to just wink at him before Macy pulled me away from them and past Harry who had just arrived and was the reason I wanted to leave the table in the first place.

Macy and I started swaying our bodies to the beat and were just vibing. From where we were standing you could definitely see us from the table so I kinda made it my goal to make Trey a little flustered.

I glanced at him a couple times and every single time I found him already looking at me. Seemed like I was achieving my goal in no time.

A couple minutes later Macy was already occupied with a random dude so I thought maybe it was time to sit down. However, just when I stopped dancing felt someone right behind me and as soon as I turned around it was no other than Trey himself.

"Hey." He yelled over the loud music.

"Hey." I replied and grabbed his hands, pulling him further into the crowd.

We danced for ages until I was so dizzy that I couldn't even react when a pair of lips landed on my own.



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