Chapter 17

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I got up to the sound of my alarm and looked at the clock to see the time was 7 AM "Great," I mumbled and started getting ready for work soon I stopped by my favourite cafe to grab something for breakfast as I was in a hurry to attend a meeting. After grabbing some breakfast I drove to work and soon reached my office and started walking towards my cabin on my way I saw Hoseok and Krystal making out "Maybe a little bit more private will be helpful," I said passing by them and a flustered Hoseok and Krystal dashed towards the opposite direction. yes, Hoseok and Krystal are a couple now and I couldn't be happier for them as they both make the perfect couple. I opened my cabin and saw a nervous Jimin walking back and forth "For the nth time jimin just ask her out already," I said placing my bag on my chair and hanging my coat "Would you think Jane would like me back?" he asked and I nodded "Everyone at work knows she too has a crush on you better make a move before someone does," I said and he nodded before exiting my cabin.

Jimin also developed a strong liking towards Jane and she too seemed to be interested in him but Jimin being the shy guy he is, is anxious to confess and hope he at least asks her out today. "Taehyung shall we head to the meeting?" Jin hyung asks popping his head inside I nodded taking the required files and heading towards the meeting room. The meeting took longer than expected and I started growing impatient as I wanted to go somewhere else at sharp 12:00 but it was 12:15 now so not being able to wait anymore I got up "Excuse me but I have an important place to be at," I said and I was about to leave when one of the other company members spoke up "Is it so important that you have to leave such a serious meeting?" he asked and I turned back to him "Yes it is ... it's even important than my own life," I stated and looked at Namjoon and Jin hyung who knew exactly where I was going to go so they nodded and I immediately dashed towards the exit in a hurry.

I first stopped at the flower shop and grabbed a bouquet of fresh red roses and next drove to a nearby jewellery shop and bought a little something and then drove off to the place where I was supposed to go. Upon entering the place I parked my car got out all the things I bought and started walking in, upon walking further I stopped before the familiar door "ROOM 105" it read and I stepped in and the face I was earning to see for the past two days came into my view as my eyes soften. The peaceful resting face of my beloved lover came into view as I started walking a little further placing the things I bought on the nearby table "y/n I'm here," I said pecking her forehead and sitting beside her holding her fragile hand that had the IV connected I placed a soft kiss near it "I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you the past two days love as a sudden business meeting came up," I said pouting "as an apology gift I got you red roses and a little something," I said getting up and grabbing the small paper bag.

From in I took out a beautiful rose gold necklace that had a heart-shaped pendant "Though you can't see it let me tell you how it looks but first," I said taking the necklace from the box and putting it on for her "there it looks beautiful just like you," I said, "it's a rose gold necklace with a heart-shaped pendant and few diamonds on it," I said smiling to myself. 

"won't you at least wake up to look at it?" I asked as a lone tear slipped across my face but immediately wiped it as I heard a knock on the door and in came y/n's doctor "Ah Mr Kim you're here?"He asked moving in along with a nurse following behind "A bouquet of roses for Ms Choi I see oh even a brand new necklace?" he asked with a smile while he was checking on y/n's vitals and other stuff "Everything's great," he said but soon turned to me with a sad expression "Mr Kim can I have a word with you?" I nodded and stepped out "Mr Kim... it has already been a year since she slipped into a coma yet no sign of her waking up," he sighed as I nodded "Maybe you should-" he started but I was quick enough to cut him off "I know what you're about to say but please don't after what I have done to her I deserve this I already told people this a million times but I won't hesitate to say it again even if y/n takes longer time to wake up I will only love her and will keep waiting for her if I have a life it's only with her".

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