Chapter 8

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I lashed out at Taehyung and went inside the meeting I was annoyed by him always controlling me saying he is the boss this is the same thing he did to me in high school blackmailing me to do his work and if I didn't he would hurt me but because of him hurting me I found a beautiful grandma who became my everything.


I was walking back home quickly as I was scared that Taehyung might hurt me cause I didn't finish his assignment and he got detention. I was having very bad period cramps the whole day and it made the situation even worse I was about to go past the school gates when I felt someone pull my wrist making me forcefully turn back and there was the person who I didn't want to see. I tried to free myself from his grip but he was too strong. He pushed me towards the ground and started walking towards me I was backing up and my back hit the wall and I was so scared I didn't know what to do. "Cause of you I got a detention and you are going to pay for it," and with that, he started kicking me in my stomach tears started rolling down my cheeks as both my cramps and the pain he is causing started to kick in. He then pulled me by my hair and slammed me again the wall and I felt something wet drip down my neck and realized there was blood. He then held me by my neck choking me and I could feel myself almost passing out. All this was being watched by so many students and all of them were too scared to help me or were giggling and laughing at me. He was about to give me more but I knelt before him begging him to leave me and he just slammed me against the wall and left.

I got up and dusted myself and started limping back home I couldn't walk anymore as the pain was too much and the blood coming from the back of my head made me feel dizzy so I sat near the sidewalk and saw an old woman approaching me she held my hand and was about to ask me something but soon everything blurred out and it became dark.


I was walking home after shopping as my grandson will be back from school any minute as I was walking towards my house I saw a girl who had mud stuck to her clothes and she was crying I went close and I saw blood dripping out of her head and I immediately rushed towards her and I was about to as her what happened when she fainted right into my arms. I somehow carried her to my house thank god it was two houses away I laid her on the couch and went to get her some bandages and Medicine to treat her. I cleaned her wounds and bandaged her head and I laid her on the couch and covered her as I was doing this I heard the door open and my grandson came after school and his eyes widened after seeing the girl laying on the couch.


My head hurt badly when I opened my eyes there was a grey ceiling and the first thing I smelled was some chicken noodle soup. I got up and realized this isn't my home. I turned around and saw the house was simple yet elegant. I was trying to get up but my stomach gave a sharp pain causing me to fall back and wince in pain. "Oh, my dear please don't get up," an old woman came running towards me. She was short and cute just like my grandma. But she passed away a month ago so seeing her was just like seeing my grandma and I had this feeling of being with her and helping her no matter what. "You must be very hungry come let's eat," she said holding my wrist and taking me to the table that had a big pot and 3 bowls placed on it with 3 sets of cutlery.
"It's ok grandma I can go home I don't want to be a trouble for you and your husband," I said giving a bow.

She then let out a soft laugh "It's me and my grandson living here it's ok he really wouldn't mind your company," she said and made me sit and she went upstairs I guess to call his grandson but she came back alone. "He isn't feeling hungry," she said and sat down. "Thank you for saving me I'm grateful and I'm y/n," I said giving her a bow. "Ahh, what a beautiful name and it's ok y/n oh and I'm grandma," she said chuckling, and I laughed too at how cute she is. Later we both were chatting and we were having fun. Grandma was very funny so I had a good time later I got up seeing the time and I was worried about dad so I took my leave. The next day in school my abdomen was a bit better but I was scared that I would get more hurt by Taehyung today.

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