Chapater 4- spiders and rats

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The memory of the separation from your parents alone made you want to ball up in a fetal position and sob, that plus the weight of your current situation on your shoulders. You somehow made it away from whatever the hill that was, and you were just walking in a dark, run down apartment (aside from your room), you didn't know why the thing didn't eat you or something, but you sure as hell didn't want to find out.

There was absolutely zero chance that whatever that was, was human, and you did not want to run into it again, you could really only think about how freezing your little feet were, and how much you really needed to find some place to warm up. It was very evident by the absolute feeding temperature in Thai old apartment that those things had even torn apart the heating systems, and electrical boxes, for it was pitch black and frigid.

"Oh my god.." you muttered in horror as you watched a few humongous spiders and rats critter across the flooring,  you weren't gone for that long were you? There never was a rat problem before, you hated the little creatures with a passion, mainly because of this creepy character in a show that has scarred you for life.

Walking through the chipping threshold of your parents bedroom door, you stared at the bed that you had spent so many nights in, cuddling with your parents. Tha parents who are dead now, that's depressing.

Their bed was completely intact, no harm come to it, which came as quite the suprise, maybe a little fraying at the edge of the comforter, but that's just from wear, so you took this as an advantage, and tucked your own self under the fluffy blanket. This is probably pushing You ten steps back from finally letting go of your parents, it's not like you even need to anymore, you're probably going to die Soon anyway. You didn't even know if there were any survivors, their have to be, the world isn't that small... right?

You curled into yourself, small tears clustered at the edges of your eyes, all adrenaline had washed out, and the depth of your situation rolled over your head. You could only think one thing while drifting off into to the inevitable dreamland...

What were you gonna do now?


"Cowards, they all are. I can't believe that man just made her cry! He just made her feel like she was nothing!  I just want to- god I want to kill him!" A young woman with slightly grueling skin screamed out, she had long black hair, which swayed from left to right as the wind passed by. Her and 3 others were standing on top of a certain apartment building in which their little one was staying, for the night at least.

" girl, I get that, I totally do, but you probably shouldn't go into their little territory alone, there's a bunch of dipshits in suits who will shoot you down in seconds if they see you. Plus, it's smooth sailing from here, we know where she is, all we have to do is get her safe and sound. So nobody's gonna fuck this up right?" Another spoke out, his name was earl, he was already agitated with the fact that his awuaibtence manhandled you and scared you away, if he had it his way, you would already be in their gathering camp, all safe and warm.

"Yeah yeah, I'm just glad we marked where she previously lived, or else we woulda been so lost" yet another zombie thing piped in, her glasses fells to the edge of her nose as she stared down at her book, the atmosphere was susprisingly clam and fluid, considering half of them were glaring daggers at eachother. It was about 3:00, they technically weren't alive, so they didn't need any sleep, like vampires, just a little more dead.

"Everybody shut the fuck up, I think she fell asleep, I can't hear her footsteps anymore, just breathing... yes" the man who previously had you caged in his arms spoke, pressing his ear down onto the concrete ground tat was the rooftop of your apartment building. He could only hear soft breaths and little snores, the man cooed internally at the scene displaying in his head, his happy thoughts about you didn't show on the outside of course, as he was literally cursing out his companions.

"Well I guess we shouldn't settle up then, get comfy, we're going to be here a looonngg time." Earl spoke, leaning back on the edge. It was adorbale that you thought you could run away from them, they hated light, yeah, but all electricity was out, and they could spend the majority of the day isnaide. You didn't even know what was to happen with you

Only time will tell


I apologize that this chapter is late, I've been trying to focus on other stories and completely forgot ab oh t his one.

And I'll fix any grammar or spelling mistakes tommorow.

Have a great day, bye!

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