chapter 5- boom

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You woke up to the harsh sound of thunder in the night sky, unknowing of how long you'd been sleeping. Minutes? Seconds? Maybe even hours. Your little cozy bed had proved comfortable enough to induce a heavy sleep, probably because of the tireless run you'd just went on, but now that you were awake, there was no falling back into the void that was unconsciousness, and you were left to do nothing but think. Think about the past. The future. What are you gonna do? What should you have done? The bags under your eyes felt as heavy as sandbags. Yet you couldn't coax yourself back into sleep.  So you just sat there.

Until a spider crawled across your face

Then you flipped out.

A scream left your lips, you had previously thought that your room was clean, was untouched. God knows why. The wallpaper was beginning to peel, and mildew began festering near the windowsill because of the damp rain soaking in. Even though you'd just been here a few years ago, everything looked different now. Maybe it was distorted because of your terrible memory, but things were in places they shouldn't be in, jackets tossed indoors, perfumes, or yours placed far away from their spots. Almost s as if someone had been here all along.

Once you'd successfully flung the spider into the wall by aggressively shaking your head, you took a moment to look out the window at the world. It all just looked so abandoned, the little shops down the street beginning to grow yellow and brown with age, articles of clothing and bags all dropped off in the middle of the street, you could remember when people's first started moving into the government protected areas, they weren't allowed to have things that were deemed unnecessary, so they had to drop off bags and items. You couldn't help but wonder, how many of these bags belong to people that are dead now?

Your eyes scanned the street, searching for some kind of corner store. You hadn't thought about a plan yet, but you needed food, if you were going to leave this apartment then that would be your first stop. The rain puttered against the window, which let in an excellent draft from the outside, and you ended up pulling the blankets up around you to keep was calm for a moment, then that peace in your mind was shattered, as you saw it.

A car

You needed that desperately, a little sliver of hope combusted inside you at the thought of getting in that car and driving far, far away. Maybe other settlements were more forgiving to possible "darling" candidates for... whatever those things are. You knew close to nothing about these things, it's only been a year or two since they overran the world... or at least you're home.  The scientists of your settlement would make occasional announcements to the public about them, all consisting of three things.

1. They haven't found the woman to solve it all, so they will need more "volunteers"

2. opposed to the original infection, which just made people turn into the basic crazy-ass- mindless zombie, they had developed brains, and evolved in a way

3. and finally, they are spreading. Across oceans, through the skies, everywhere

How do they get this information? You have no idea. It doesn't matter anymore, they never said enough to help you, that was probably intentional now that you think about it. Why give the one thing that could solve all of this a way to fight it? You darned everyone in those stupid walls, those scientists, the soldiers, Mr gluppin Arnold. The feeling of betrayal still swarmed inside of you, but you wouldn't cry, not until you knew you were safe. You could drive a little bit, your father used to take you into empty parking lots to try it out. The question is, how lucky do you have to be for the keys to still be in the ignition?

It's a small chance, but honestly, what else do you have? If you stay huddled in here you'll starve, or have to eat a rat. Or even a worse option. They'll find you. You don't want that. You CANT have that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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