Chapter 25

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A large hand clamped over my eyes but I'd already seen. My arm was swollen with multiple ugly ragged cuts running from just below my elbow to above my wrist. Why were the cuts still open? How? Why were there so many? Why had they not closed them? The doctor did something that made me yell and swear at him, "Sorry High Luna. High Alpha we have all the silver, I can touch her wound with my skin."

"Thank you," Damian spoke, his hand still firmly over my eyes... it didn't matter, I'd seen it, I'll be scarred for life and they won't be pretty scars "With your permission, I can stitch the wounds now."

"Sedate her."

"What! No!" I struggled and tried to remove Damian's hand only to feel other hands on my shoulders pinning me down, "Damian! No!" I croaked as loud as my dry scratchy throat would allow.

"I love you," was what I heard before I felt the pinch of a needle and I fell into the depths of a drug induced sleep.

When my eyes opened again it was dark. I shifted but realised a large arm was rested heavily over my stomach. Damian's low deep breathing filled the room. My mind foggy for a while until I remembered why I'd been asleep. I ripped Damian's arm off me not caring if it woke him and dropped my legs from the bed, "Uh? Oh, you're awake," Damian's voice deep and gruff full of sleep.

"No thanks to you." My throat was even scratchier than before. I wanted to shout at him but I could barely get my voice above a whisper.

I pushed myself off the bed and my legs gave way underneath me. I tried to crawl to get back to my feet but I rested on my right hand and a pain shot up my arm. I let out an involuntary cry as my arm crumpled leaving me on the floor.

Damian got out of bed and was trying to help me up. I didn't want his help; he made me be sedated, he did something against my will. I struggled against his grip as he lifted me back to bed, "Get off me!" I shouted to him loud and clear through the link. Once I was sat on the bed I pushed his arms off me with as much strength as I could. "What did I do?" he asked bewildered.

"You had me sedated! You didn't ask and then you pinned me down!"

"You're annoyed about that?"

I turned my head to look at him, "Yes," I tried to put the same venom in my voice as my mind link but it was just a puny whisper.

"My Darling, I didn't want you to me any more pain than you had to be in. He needed to sew you up and he needed to do it as neatly as he could. Your body's been through enough pain, my darling." He reached over and stroked my cheek, I chewed on my lip. He should have said that in the first place. "I'm sorry I did it against your will, but I was thinking of you the whole time, I promise."

I looked away from him and felt his hand slip into my left. "I didn't mean to upset you, my queen." He kissed my temple and I leant into him allowing his arms to wrap around me.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

"I should be apologising, if I hadn't left you alone the Fae could never have hurt you."

I looked around and saw a glass of water on the bedside table, I reached for it and drank it in one go so I could speak what I needed to tell him. "They said you don't deserve a mate... you betrayed him so I'm not safe." My throat still a little scratchy, but at least I managed the words.

"Fuck." Damian's warmth retracted from me as he stood and paced the room. "Fucking winged bastards!" I sat while he ranted and raved to the room, every profanity leaving his lips.

Damian began tearing the room apart, anything he could get his hands on was ripped. I jumped as the now empty glass flew across the room, "Nicos, Damian's lost his shit."

The End of the OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now