Chapter 12|| Love Hotel

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A/N: Like I said, I'll be posting a little more often now though I'll be off and on sometimes working on other things. I always would like to say thank you to all the people that have read this. Especially since, I personally don't think or find this as very good writing. I see it as me lazy writing for fun but I still appreciate everyone reading this. <3
John POV

Taking me somewhere? Somewhere, where? Where exactly are they going to take me? Are they finally going to let me free? My face lit up at that last curious question. My curiosity was answered by Alexandre. "We're taking you to a hotel. A love hotel. We'll do it there and stay there for the night, hm?" I looked beside me because that's where Alex was. I nodded. "Okay, do they server breakfast?" I asked curiously since I usually sometimes wake up first then them, that's sometimes though.

 I end up finding myself trying to sleep in sometime. "Maybe, we'll see when we get there." I nodded again in response. I laid back into the seat as I was once again staring out into the dark night. You could only see the shinning moon. Oh, how beautiful the night was. I wish I was at my little apartment balcony staring through my telescope and into the night sky, trying to find stars and planets. Haha! How childish I felt again at the moment.I sighed quietly as I couldn't think about anything else except my freedom and how nice it would be to freshly be at home looking at the skies daily.

Alexandre, next to me, was holding my. I don't for what reason but he was. He wasn't letting go and I let him hold it. I didn't even say anything or mention him holding my hand. At one moment in the car, he brush his fingers over the top of my hands gently, repeatedly yet slowly. Though I felt relaxed and calmed by the action it also tickled. "Heh.." A little laugh left my lips as it tickled a bit as his fingers were gently brushing over my hand. "What?" Alex said. I looked up at him and went silent for a moment.

"Uhm, n-nothing. Sorry!" I apologized to him for probably ruining to silence in the car that he might've been enjoying. "Talk." I tilted my head in confusion a bit as what he meant by 'talk'. "O-oh! Uhm, I promise it was really nothing. J-just that" I looked down at our hands and pointed at his hand still brushing gently over the top of mines. "-it tickled." He looked down at what I was pointing and looked back at me. He stopped brushing over my hand gently, kinda disappointed. I had in fact liked it, it just tickled.

"Oh, sorry." He said and faced the front of the car as he watches the roads paying no more attention to me. Did he say sorry? Ack, whatever but I liked that he was gently doing whatever he was. I sighed quietly again and went back to looking out the window and getting lost in my thoughts. I don't how long I was lost in my thoughts for because the last thing I remember was me and Alex talking. "We're here. Hello?!" Louis said loudly. My head shook a little as i opened my eyes to look at Louis who was looking at me from his seat. Alex had took the cuffs off and was getting some of the clothes from the trunk.

"O-oh. Sorry." I said as I rubbed my eyes gently and blinked a little. I sat up and looked around to observe where we exactly where. We reached our destination, I could tell. There was a large building. A very nice large building standing not so far away from where we were parked. It seemed like there were two neon signs. Maybe open and closing signs. The placed definitely also had a touch of fanciness to it too. I hear a loud bang in the back, guessing Alex closed the trunk. Louis unbuckled his set and got out the car. I was too lazy observing the building that we were about to go into. Louis came to the side of my door and held it opened for me. "Come on now, we're here. Let's head inside, shall we?"

Louis got into the way of the building that I was looking at when he had came to my side of the car door and opened it for me. I looked at him. I stared into his eyes for a split second. His eyes almost seemed like it was shining in the night. I nodded at his question. "Yeah, give me a moment." I just had to gather all my thoughts for a split second. I got out of the car and continued to look at the building, astonished. Almost as if I never seen one before but I have just not this beautiful yet fancy looking at such. I saw a man walking out in a tux with a woman in a nice red flown dress. They seemed like they were leaving.

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