Chapter 15|| Home

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A/N: I'm not sure if this ones going to be long. I'm so tired today but let's see how much I'll get done for today. Enjoy this chapter and stay hydrated!

We drove back to the hotel. Alex pulled into a parking lot and they both got out the car. Alex opened the door to my left, "Stay here and don't think of even running." He said as he gave me a glare. I nodded as they both left together and disappeared into the hotel. I laid down and stared at the car roof. I could easily try to leave again but they would just catch up to me and if I were to be caught again...who knows what they'll do. I sigh and close my eyes, tired. So so tired.. The car back trunk slammed shut as my eyes shot opened from the loud noise. I groaned and sat up to look back. Ah..I fell asleep. Alex got into the driver seat and Louis sat up in the front right next to him.

I rubbed my eyes to wake me up a little. Louis turned back to look at me, "you ready to go?" He said smiling. I wished he'd stopped smiling..there was nothing to be happy about. At least not for me.. I nodded. "Yeah, ready." I said, still tired. I yawned a little and sat up straight, fixing my posture and looking out the window. Alex started the car and exited the parking lot. I guess I fell asleep again because when I opened my eyes we were in the city. "Mm, how much longer?" I said with a small yawn. "Four to five hours." Alex said. He hasn't talked much since he caught me.

It was understandable though, it was like i was betraying his trust. He probably will no longer trust me. I sighed quietly and looked out the window. It was beautiful. The tall structures and building that could be seen here from inside the car. I smiled slightly at the beautiful sight. "L-Louis? What time is it?" I asked looking towards the front, waiting for an answer. "Hm, 3 PM." "Thank you." I said and decided maybe I'll take another nap until I arrived there.

[Time Skip]

I woke up with a headache, maybe because I've been sleeping for too long. I was still yawning but I looked out the windows and we were no longer in the city. I turned my head forwards to see that we're approaching back to Alex's place. I sat up and hear Louis voice. "You're awake? Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." He said with a small chuckle. I let out a small 'heh', "Morning, Louis." I said. Alex pulled his car up to the gates and the security approached the car. Louis rolled down the window for the security and smiled. The security looked at each one of us slowly and carefully, observing us and gave Alex a small nod. He made a weird hand gesture and the gates started to slowly open.

Alex drove through the gates and parked the car. He got out and opened the door for me. Louis got out after him. "Let's go. I'll have someone grab the bags for us." Alex said and I just nodded, for some reason. I got out the car and Alex closed the door once I've gotten out. I started heading towards the huge place, the two were right behind me, watching me carefully. Alex looked serious while Louis was smiling like some idiot.

I opened the door and there were a few maids and butlers that greeted us at the door. "Give John a bath. I prepare clothes for him." Alex then turned his attention to me. "The clothes will be set on my bed in my room, make sure to change into it." I nodded. "Okay.." I looked down as some maids and a butler lead me through the halls. We walked down a long corridor before we reached the end of that hall. The butler opened up the door to the left. "After you, young sire." I walked in feeling uncomfortable. There was a huge tub with water filled already, bubbles floating at the very top. It smelled nice, I could smell it from where I was standing. It smelt like roses.

I liked it.. "Young sire, I must ask of you to stay still. The maids will undress you." "Ah! It's okay! I can undress myself.." I said. "If you insist." He says as everyone in the room watched me, keeping their eyes on my body. I slowly started to undress myself and once I was done, I started approaching the tub. I slowly entered one foot after another a slowly sank in. I sat there and looked at the butler. 'Ahem', he cleared his throat. He took off his black gloves and walked towards me. A maid handed him some soap. He sat the soap down next to him on a small marble like counter. "Sir.." He cuts me off, "Call me Cain, it'd be rude to have the Master's beloved call me 'Sir'." Cain didn't make eye contact with me as he said that.

He cupped the water from the tub and poured it over my shoulders. "Cain.." I whispered under my breath. I tried to be as quiet as possible but it seems that he heard me. He stopped what he was doing, "Yes?" He said. For some reason, this butlers voice was soothing. His voice was deep but sounded gentle as if he'd never hurt a thing in the world. He was uhm..somewhat handsome too. "Ah..nothing. Sorry.." I said. "Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong." Cain grabbed the bar of soap and washed my back throughly.

All the maids stood by as Cain washed every inch of my body. Some parts he touched tickled..and felt sensitive to his touch. Maybe my body has been growing sensitive because of Alex and Louis but it felt weird. Cain grabbed a towel from one of the maids who was holding it. One of the maids approached the tub and unplugged the tubs drain. The water slowly went down. She grabbed a small bowl and filled it with water. The maid poured it over my a few times making sure all the soap was throughly rinsed away. "You may step out of the tub now." Cain said and slowly came back towards the tub with the towel.

I stepped out carefully, trying not to slip. Cain wrapped the towel around my body. The same maid, who was holding the towel, handed Cain a smaller towel. He slowly dried my hair with the towel. "Let's go to Master's chamber. I will blow dry your hair there." I nodded and followed him out. We made our way back to go upstairs. I followed Cain carefully since I was still kinda drenched. I felt like I was making a mess while walking. We walked down another long corridor when we made it upstairs. There was a room far down the hallway. We made our way towards the room and Cain opened the door for me.

I stepped inside and waited for the others to come in as well. Two of the maids went over to Alex's bed and grabbed the clothings sat on top the bed. The other maids were preparing a seat for me and plugging in the blow dryer for Cain. Cain pulled up his sleeve slightly and took away the drenched towels. The two maids who had grabbed the clothings started dressing me. I didn't protest against it because I would've felt rude saying no again.

           (Sorry the image is kinda blurry but as long as you can see the outfit, I guess

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(Sorry the image is kinda blurry but as long as you can see the outfit, I guess. (:)

Cain went over to the small seat. I think it was seated for me? I went over and sat down hesitantly on the seat after the maids were done dressing me. Cain turned the blow dryer on. I sat there with my eyes closed. The blow dryer was really loud. I never really liked blow drying my hair because of how loud it was. It always pained my ears. Cain gently ran his hands through my hair as he blow dried my hair. When he turned the blow dryer off, he grabbed a comb and fixed my hair.

Cain was gentle.."Hm..It's still slightly wet but this'll do for now. You may get up and see yourself in the mirror." I nodded and slowly stood up from the seat. I walked towards the mirror near Alex's bed and looked at myself. My eyes roamed around observing and checking out myself. "I..look nice." It was the most decent clothing I've worn in awhile, especially from Alex.

A/N: I'll stop here for today! 1,471 word count from this chapter. I'll go on fixing some chapter on my other book and upload a new chapter today, if I can get to it in time. Anyways, I hoped everyone had fun reading this chapter!!

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