Chapter 3

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Sienna's POV

I was chatting with Charlotte in the cafeteria. She was telling me about her plans with Nathan for the weekend.

"Please, will you help me?" She pleaded, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I don't know, Lottie. What will I say if your mother calls me?" I asked nervously.

"You will handle it. Please. You know there is a party this Saturday. If you go there, no one will understand. Everyone will think you are with me. Later, my mother will not call you during the night. For your parents, we will say we arrived home late. So no one will notice." She gave me a begging look.

"If your brother sees me at the party and asks me about you?"

"He will not go to the party. He has plans with Dad."

I sighed, thinking and leaned back against the chair.

"Please, Sienna." She begged. I heaved a deep sigh and nodded. She clapped her hands in happiness as a wide grin appeared on her face and hugged me. "You are the best."

"Hey, Charlotte. Why are you so happy?" Samantha asked, ignoring me as she approached us.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Every time I saw her, anger filled my body. I hated to see her face. She annoyed me so much. She was a real bitch.

"Hi." Charlotte mumbled.

"Would you like to join us?" She asked Charlotte, still ignoring me, and gestured to her friend; she was a bitch too. It was understandable that they were friends.

"No, thanks. Sienna and I finished our meals." Lottie stated dryly. She nodded, giving me a cold glare and left.

"I hate her." I commented, looking at that bitch.

"So do I. She is annoying." Charlotte agreed, sighing. "At least, you see her just in school, but I should bear her face at home too." She added, irritated.

After school, we went to Charlotte's. Tonight I was staying the night at her home. Her parents were abroad; so she suggested that we have a pajama party. We invited Nicole as well, but she told us she had plans with her family.

After chatting, dancing with Charlotte in her room, I went to the kitchen to make us popcorn.

When I was going back to the room, I stopped as I heard weird noises coming from Romeo's room. My eyes widened in shock as I heard a girl's voice and moan mixing with Romeo's groan and voice.

"Bastard!" I exclaimed angrily, gritting my fist. I sighed, shaking my head and went to Charlotte's room.


Charlotte, Nathan, Nicole and I were in the park waiting for Troy and Romeo. We were going to have a picnic.

"Where were they when you called them?" Nicole asked Nathan impatiently.

"Troy said they were close. They are about to arrive."

"If they don't arrive in five minutes, I will start to eat." Nicole sighed.

"Look! They are coming." Nathan commented, looking away.

I looked at the direction he was showing. Troy waved at us while the jerk was busy with eyeing some brunette. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

As soon as they approached us, they greeted us. Romeo flashed a teasing smirk, full of naughtiness in his eyes. I gave him a dirty look and averted my gaze.

We started eating while chatting. Meanwhile, Romeo's phone rang a few times, but he declined the calls. Probably, it was one of his many conquests.

"Ugh! This girl again!" Charlotte sighed, annoyed.

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