Chapter 33

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Romeo's POV

"Why didn't she tell you that she was pregnant? Or you knew?!" Troy asked, confused while looking at me.

"We don't know why she kept it a secret." Sienna intervened and heaved a loud sigh.

"Because she is a fucking liar." I retorted, gritting my teeth.

Troy rubbed his chin, thinking. "Then how will you prove it?"

"I will find a way. I don't know yet, but I will find something. Then I will make that bitch pay for her lie." I snapped angrily and stormed away while cursing under my breath.

When I came back from school, I went directly to my bedroom. I was pissed off; Samantha made me mad at the school, threatening me that if I didn't break up with Sienna in a few days she would tell everyone that she was pregnant, and I was forcing her to get an abortion, even trying to push her downstairs that she lost the baby. She was totally crazy. Moreover, how could she think that after all her threats, I would be with her and move in together.

After taking a shower, I put on sweatpants and a shirt, and lied down on the bed. I sighed loudly, closing my eyes as I was about to get crazy from thinking what I would do about Samantha.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

I frowned in annoyance and said as I sat up on the bed. "Come in."

The door opened, and my father walked in, closing the door behind him.

"What happened to your face? Who did it?" He asked, worried as soon as he saw my face.

"It isn't important." I mumbled without looking him in the eyes.

He sighed as he sat down beside me on the bed and rested his hand on my knee.

"Of course, it is important. You are my son, my treasure. I don't want anyone to hurt you." He confessed honestly. I bit my lower lip without saying anything. "Who hit you?" He repeated, looking at me.

I sighed and admitted honestly. "Troy... He thought I cheated on Sienna with Samantha because she told him that she was pregnant. She knew Troy wasn't so happy when he found that Sienna and I are together."

He nodded without saying anything. "Is it because of Sienna, you don't want to accept the baby?" He asked calmly.

"No, Dad... I... I don't believe Samantha." I heaved a deep sigh and ran my hand through my hair.

"But if it is true, and the baby is yours?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"I..." I mumbled without knowing what to do and nibbled my lower lip.

He tapped on my knee, giving me a compassionate look, and breathed deeply. "I understand how terrifying it could be when you  find out that you are going to be a father. Especially when you didn't expect or plan it in the near future at all. You are afraid that nothing will be like before, but when you hold this little one in your arms, you will understand that you would do everything to protect them, and be always beside them."

I looked away without saying anything. I didn't know what to say or think.

"I don't want you to regret the lost time when you see your child again after a few months or years. It is your flesh and blood. You should take responsibility. Believe me. Otherwise, you will regret it in the future." He stated and squeezed my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Dad, if it was true, she wouldn't force me to break up with Sienna and be with her instead. If she was really pregnant... I would take responsibility. However, she doesn't want it; she just wants to ruin my relationship and get me back. She is lying about it; I will prove it to you and everyone." I stated, determined. He sighed without adding anything.

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