Chapter X: New Alpha

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Sam was gone... Emily was lost... I was supposed to be the Alpha... Jake was on the ground crying... Everyone was in shock... 'What am I supposed to do now God dammit' I asked myself.

I held a crying and shaking Emily as tight as possible, not letting her go for a split second. "I know Em... I know.. I'm so sorry" I whispered over and over again.

I looked around. Leah was on the ground crying while Seth tried to comfort her. Paul was shaking in anger. Embry was pale and his eyes were wide. Quil and Jared were leaning against the wall with pale faces and tears running down their shut eyes. Jake was sitting on the ground crying. I needed to step in.

I sat Emily on the couch and told her to stay there, that I'd be right back.

I went over to Sam's body and kneeled down next to him, honoring him as the alpha he always had been, the brother, he had always been to me.

Jake saw and silently joined me. Silently the whole pack started joining one after the other. Then to my surprise Emily came and joined us with a blank look in her eyes. I looked around and decided I should say something so that's what I did.

"Today we lost someone important to all of us. Not only our alpha but also our friend, our brother and for some of us, our lover. It's gonna be hard and I can't deny that as much as I would want to but he wouldn't want any of us, and by that I mean ANY of us giving up because of his death... " I released I shaky breath looking around to see everyone looking at me with tears in my eyes and continued "after all, death is never the end right? Who knows what will happen to him now, nobody knows what happens to people who die but I can tell you one thing. And this might sound cliche but when someone 'leaves' they. never. Ever. Really leave us until we forget them. Until we forget them they stay here" I pointed to my heart "In our hearts. And I can guarantee you that I won't let any of us forget him. No matter what. Sam loved us as much as we loved him. He was a great leader, a great friend, long story short. Sam might have been a total dick sometimes" Everyone chuckled a bit and I smiled " But he loved us all and did what he thought was best and will do the same even now that we can't see him anymore. " I finally finished.

"Sam was right Skylar... you are a great leader for us all" Emily spoke giving me a small but meaningful smile. I smiled at her, helped her up and hugged her tight.

After I pulled back from her hug I went by the whole pack helping them up and giving them a tight hug to each of them. When I got to the last pack member, Jake, I helped him up and kissed him gently before holding him close to me.

"We need to tell the rest of the tribe, and Emily, you get to decide what you want to do with his body. No matter what it is we'll help you" I said, she smiled at me gratefully, I smiled back and looked at the rest of the pack who gave me a quick nod.


Jake and I went from house to house telling the bad news, not talking about the new alpha because that was yet to be talked about. Most of the people gasped, some of them cried but all the reactions were heart breaking. Then there was only one house left. The Black residence.

We walked into the house, as soon as Billy saw our broken expression on our face he knew something was up and gave us an asking look. Jake and I sat down in the kitchen and I started talking "Billy... We got some... Pretty bad news..... Actually no... It's horrible news" He looked at me confused and I continued "uhm... Sam was shot by a hunter in his right lung" "Is he ok? " He asked. My heart shattered

"Billy he didn't make it... I'm sorry" I said slowly. He gasped and a single tear rolled down his face. "I'm so sorry for you kids... What about the new alpha? Did he talk about someone? " He asked with a breaking voice.

I looked at Jake which nodded. I sighed before saying "yeah he talked about someone... He asked for me... But we still have to talk about it with the rest of the pack" He looked at me with a small smile "I was hoping he'd choose you Sky... you are the best alpha any pack could ask for. Caring, smart, strong, wild, almost like a real wolf... I'm sure they're gonna love that idea" He replied. I slightly smiled.

After a while we decided it would be best to go back to Emily's, which we did.

We walked out of the house, into the woods and as soon as we were out of the humans view we shifted and ran to the little wooden house.

When we arrived there we shifted back, both of us still in our normal clothes, which we had trained for a lot. We walked in the house only to see a lost Emily sitting on the couch with Leah at her side comforting her. The boys were cleaning up the blood Sam had thrown up and had wrapped his body in a white bed sheet.

I went to Emily, rubbed her back gently before hugging her in an attempt to comfort her. Sitting down next to her I asked the rest of the pack to gather around "so, I know this might not be a great timing but people are gonna start to ask so... What about the new alpha? " I finally asked.

Everyone looked at me in disbelief "Sky...... Are you doubting yourself? " Paul asked "we all heard what Sam said and I'm sure we all agree. You are the best alpha we could possibly ask for! Did you even hear your speech right after his death? Did you hear yourself when you and Jake came back from Jake's little rage and sadness moment? Sky you were made to be an Alpha and nobody will EVER be able to deny that" He then continued looking at the rest for confirmation which they did, nodding they're heads.

"So we all agree then that from now on Sky is our alpha? " Jared asked but more comfirming than asking. The whole Pack nodded.

I was the new alpha, I would lead them, guide them and protect them until the day I would die.


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