Chapter XXXXII: Alpha Colt

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A big blue eyed wolf with long black furr sprinted through her territory, towards the border of it, a light grey wolf at her side.

"thanks Embry. But you can't come any closer now" she told the grey wolf as they reached the border. He hesitated for a second before replying "if you need anything or if anything happens, promise me you'll howl?" Embry asked. Even if he didn't show it as much as Paul or Seth did, he loved the girl like a sister and if something bad happened to her, he would be devastated.

"I promise Em, now go before they pick up your scent" she replied softly. She cared alot about the boy aswell, and she would trust him with her life, that's why she chose him to come with her until the border. Not that she didn't trust the rest of the pack, she just knew that he would actually leave when she told him so and that whatever happened, he would keep his cool.

"I'm in" she announced to both her packs as soon as she entered what could be enemy's territory mainly as a warning to not try and talk to her telepathically from now on since that could distract her. There were no replies but she could feel how nervous her imprint was.

Skylar was in deep concentration as she tried to track where the scent was mainly coming from, in an attempt to find their 'main base' since she was almost sure that she would find the alpha there but she what she hadn't expected was how quickly they had spotted her.

Quickly she was surrounded by about 4 other shape shifters who were growling and snarling at  her. "okay okay calm down.. I mean no harm, I'm just here to speak with your alpha" she quickly put in in their mind but not showing any sign of weakness or fear. "who are you, what do you want and where do you come from?" the biggest of the four, who had a grey furr, asked the black furred wolf.

"I come from the territory just on the other side of your borders and I'd like to speak with your alpha" she replied calmly, mantaining her head high. The wolf that had spoken earlier hesitated a little before coming closer to the intruder, intrigued by her smell and size since even though he was big, she stayed bigger than all of them. "I asked who you were" he asked in a failed attempt of sounding intimedating.

Standing in her full length looking down at the wolf standing infront of her, causing him to slightly back up in fear, she replied to his question this time. "I'm Skylar, Alpha of the Quileutes and Fallen pack and I am here to talk to your alpha." Skylar said in her alpha tone as she looked at the 3 other wolves aswell with an intimedating look. This time, all of them backed up and looked down, including the grey biggest one, as they realised who she actually was.

"Yes Alpha Skylar. Sorry" The grey wolf said as he kept his head down in respect and soon they were walking, one wolf on each side of her, another one behind and the biggest infront of her, not in a guarding kind of way, more in a protective and respective way. 

As they made their way through the territory, they came across little camps that consisted in tents mostly made of animal skins. Every time they came across one of the camps that Skylar assumed were families, she noticed how everyone either tried to get a better look at the situation or ran into their tent, hididng their loved ones. 

"what are these camps?" She ended up asking as they passed a very small one that seemed to only be formed by two tents and two kids, one looking about her age and the other a bit younger than Seth. "blood related families Alpha Skylar" the wolf to her right, a brunette male, replied shortly but respectfully. She didn't respond to that as she observed the fearful expression on the kid's face as they passed by. Skylar's gaze was soft as she nodded at them in a friendly way. She blamed their reactions mostly on the fact that they probably weren't very used to visits from big wolves like herself.

"who are they and why are they alone?" she asked, curiosity getting the best of her once they had passed the little camp. "they're the Huxley siblings. Their parents passed away during a war and they ended up here while escaping their terrible fate" the brunette wolf spoke again, the same respectful tone in his voice. Skylar stayed silent once more, thinking about where all these shape shifters could possibly come from since they clearly weren't all born in this pack, if it was in fact a pack.

Instead of bombarding the poor wolves around her with all these questions, she chose to remain silent and ask them to their alpha instead. 

They walked for about 45 minutes before they actually got to a big tent surrounded by a few dozens of other smaller tents. The biggest one was obviously for the alpha and she could only guess that the others were from the original people of the large pack.

"Alpha Colt, someone wants to speak with you" the grey wolf announced, not letting anyone else hear his words as he bowed infront of his alpha, the 3 other wolves around Skylar following his example. The alpha was a big, white furred wolf with piercing blue eyes, strangely similar to Skylar's and about her size aswell, maybe a little bigger, but even so, the female didn't bow at the alpha male standing infont of her.

Colt was intrigued by the female that had intruded his territory but had gotten away with it that easily. "leave us" he commanded only for the 4 wolves of his pack to hear. Once they left, he walked closer to the intruder and tried to identify her scent by sniffing the air close to her. The scent was famliar to him and so was his to the blue eyed female. "who are you" Colt finally asked, not letting his intense gaze on her fall. 

"I'm Skylar, alpha of the Quileutes and the Fallen pack" she responded, her head as high as usual. Colt examined her posture, making sure she wasn't lying, then sniffed the air around her once more, now realizing where the familiar scent came from.

The same day his pack arrived on that very territory, he was warned that there was another pack nearby and that their scent was very strong, which could only mean that the pack was mostly formed by natives from the territory, even though there were other scents that seemed more recent. The thing is, Skylar's scent was familiar to him in another way he couldn't quite grasp.

"Alpha Skylar, I'm Colt. Alpha of the Shadow pack." he finally replied, giving her a short nod, trying to stay in his figure of authority even though he knew already that he would have a soft spot for the girl, which didn't tend to happen often.

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