The beginning

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Lilly's POV
It was a cold Sunday afternoon, I was sitting outside on a bench talking to my oldest brother, Angus.

"I just don't get it Mac. Why does he hate me. I understand mom died while with me but its not my fault."
"Just don't focus on it. I mean he has no proof it was you or anything, he probably just hates you because you never cease the moment to prove him wrong on his opinion on you." He reassured me.
I looked down at my feet. I just couldn't understand it.

Angus' POV
I need to tell her about Leroy because he can help her, but if I do so and farther finds out then he won't stop until Lilly is dead.

"Lil before mom died she told me to give you this." I pulled out a piece of paper. She gave me a look of confusion. Her face turned from her natural expression to a very pissed of version.

Lilly's POV
How could he. My whole life he had knew someone who could help me solve all my problems yet he refused to tell me! What an arsehole! I got up and lef. I couldn't even look at him yet alone speak to him. The one thing I did do was call the number he had gave me. I didn't know what to expect but if he could help me I was willing to take that risk. "Hello special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, how can I help?"

The story of Lilly GibbsWhere stories live. Discover now