• Sleepover • (a bit spicy)

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You were walking back with sal, ash, and larry, drinking your slushies.

"hey y/n, can i come by and hang out?" sal said, slurping up the rest of his slushie.

"sure, i don't think my mom will care" you said, smiling at sal.

when you got to the apartment, you went straight to your room, letting sal in and locked the door.

"wanna play video games?" you said, grabbing your controllers.

"sure! what did you wanna play?" he said, unbuckling the bottom strap of his mask.

"hmm, i was thinking about maybe some COD, what did you have in mind?" you said grabbing some games and sitting them on the bed.

"i don't mind COD" sal said, grabbing his controller.

you sat your controller on your nightstand the night before, your nightstand happened to be behind sal, you tried reaching behind him but you lost your balance and fell onto sal.

you heard sals mask clatter onto the floor, sal quickly covered his face with his hands.

"i-i'm sorry i was just trying to grab my-" you said, interrupted by sal grabbing your face.

"always falling for me, huh princess?" he said, before pulling you in and kissing you.

you were shocked, but the only thing processing in your brain was how much of a good kisser sal was.

you pulled away, panting, your heart nearly stopped when you felt sal pull your legs up so you were straddling him.

you looked at his face for a second, admiring all his scars.

"is my face...scary?" sal asked, looking away, embarrassed.

"no, actually i like them.." you said, caressing his face softly.

a slight sly smile spread across sals face, he pulled you in and kissed you again, a few seconds later and it turned into a full make out session.

"fuck..." sal groaned into your mouth, panting.

seeing sal whimpering was one of the hottest things you could have probably ever heard.

you planted soft kisses going down his jaw, giving him a chance to catch his breath.

about 5 minutes of making out, you heard your mom open the door.

"shit!" you jumped off of sal, grabbing his mask and handing it to him, fixing your hair and clothes, opening a window.

"did i accidentally leave any hickeys..?" you asked, nervously.

sal looked in the mirror.

"just small one i can cover with my shirt, its not a huge deal" sal said, adjusting his shirt.

Your mom knocked.

"sweetie we have a visitor! Come meet them please!" your mom said, her voice fading as she walked away.

"sorry, didnt know someone was gonna be over" you said, walking out of your room, with sal walking behind you.

"hey sweetie! this is your step mom, Delilah!" your mom said, hugging a tall woman with long black hair.

"hi dear! i've heard so much about you!" Delilah said, opening her arms to hug you.

you didn't know how to react, you were happy for your mom, but you were still a bit shocked from the events that just went down.

"h-hi-" you said, you shyly hugged your step mom back.

after the hug you went up to your mom who was cuddling on the couch with Delilah.

"hey mom, can my friend sal have a sleepover?" you said, saying the word friend almost stung your throat, even though you and sal weren't dating.

"of course but- don't do anything irresponsible!" your mom said, pointing a finger at you, smiling.

"ok ok mom, i won't don't worry" you said, grabbing sal out of the kitchen and dragging him to your room.

You could hear your mom talking from the other room.

"i dont remember them making purple slushies-" your mom said, suddenly going quiet.

Your mom bursted into your room.

Even though sal had a mask on you could see a look of pure terror on his face as your mom started beating his arm with her shoe.

"mom that's enough!" you said, laughing.

"owie" sal sad, rubbing his arm.

your mom smiled and hugged you, and left the room.

"your mom sure is something" sal said, feeling his arm.

"yeah, she is just feeling more happy and energetic lately, must be because of Delilah, i'm happy for her" you said, a small smile spreading across your face.

you and sal played video games for a lot of the time, but you couldn't get over your make out session with sal earlier.

but how can he just act like nothing happened?

Authors note!

hey guys! sorry this chapter was all over the place sorta, i was running out of ideas for this chapter!

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