Act 8

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Later that day, as the sun began to set over the horizon, creating long shadows, Zenith and Moramma sat together on a ledge having a conversation.

"You know, Vall is doing a pretty good job," Zenith said.

"If you mean hunting, then I definitely agree with you," Moramma replied.

"I mean that little albino really has the skills. Too bad he doesn't have the confidence."

"I'm sure it's in him somewhere. Can you please stop moving? I can't get those little black dots off you."


As Moramma kept picking out the ticks from Zenith's feathers, they heard a loud squawk. Looking down, they saw Roc flying towards the mouth of the cave before landing at its entrance, a spear gripped tightly in his talons. Zenith sighed when he saw this.

"There he goes again," Zenith muttered. "He's never going to let it go."

"I'm sure he will at some point," Moramma commented.

Zenith scoffed at this remark. "The day Roc stops chasing Night-snatchers will be the day he dies."

"Have you ever tried talking to him?"

"Of course I have, but he just will not listen."

"Have you ever brought up the... hmm... incident?"

"Why would I do that? Other than getting him angry..."

"I don't know, but maybe if you talk to him about it, it will help."

"Yes, may... OW! Hey! That's my skin!"

"Sorry, but I did tell you to stop moving."

"Anyway, as I was going to say, maybe you are right Moramma, but if I get yelled at, I blame it on you."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

"I mean, I get his anger, but I don't get why he keeps holding on to it forever. He killed that Night-snatcher. Shouldn't that have been enough?"

"Perhaps, he doesn't want the same thing to happen to others as what happened to him."

"Well, I may not know a lot about talking to him, but here's something I do know – you do not get Roc angry."

As if on cue, they heard Roc screech as he flew out over the darkening savannah, thrusting his spear into the long grass, sending some Night-snatchers running off into the shadows. As Moramma and Zenith watched Roc, Vall flew by the ledge they were perched on heading towards Kay. He then landed next to his friend.

"Ah! Vall! It's good to see you."

"Same to you," Vall responded as he dropped one of the Hole jumpers at Kay's feet. "This is for you... You know, to help your feathers to grow back..."

"Thanks." Kay then laughed slightly.

"What? What is it?"

"Just realizing that I made the right choice."

"About what?"

"Having you be my second. I mean just look at all the Hole jumpers you caught," Kay squawked as he picked up his meal and quickly drove his beak into its stomach, tearing out a piece of meat and gulping it down.

"I... I... I just... I just... I don't think... I was just lucky."

"Figuring out a good plan to catch them... I wouldn't consider that as just being lucky. You're better than you think. All you have to do is believe in yourself."

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