Act 13

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As Vall, Kay and Thunder Wing stood next to the river, they could hear the rushing water crash against the rocks. Kay's feathers had finally grown back, much to Vall's relief. They were at the river to prepare a trap for the herds. Every year, these animals migrated through the Black beaks' territory; and every year, they were forced to cross this river. The Black beaks and Boltoccor ravens knew that. Unfortunately, they were not the only predators to be aware of this.

On the opposite side of the river was a small group of River crocodiles. They had the same body plan as well as ecological niche as modern-day crocodiles. The only real difference was their size. These River crocodiles were smaller in girth than their ancestors, but they were also longer, appearing more like the mythical eastern dragon than the crocodile. The River crocodiles stayed here all year, always waiting for their next meal. Luckily for the birds, it seemed that for now, none of them were hungry.

"If those River crocodiles stay here, it might make our job much harder," Kay mumbled as he looked at the opposite bank. The River crocs had always been one of their biggest problem during this time of year. These incidents always frustrated him. He had a hard time remembering how many kills they had lost to the crocs who would snatch them right out from under their beaks. Not to mention the unlucky Black beaks and Boltoccor ravens that had been grabbed out of the air because they were flying too low.

"Well you know that we could try to drive the herds in a different area," Thunder Wing said. "I actually know of a certain bend in the river that could work."

"But how would we make sure that the herds go to that certain bend?" Kay questioned.

"Well, while you Black beaks were staying with your own hunting style, the Boltoccor ravens have been experimenting."

"Experi... what?" Vall asked, confused by this new word.

"It means trying out new ideas."


"Anyway, one thing that we have done is plant spears into the ground with their pointed ends standing up in the air. Like that, when the herds try to cross the river, they get poked by the shafts of the spears. This causes them to move away from said spear. Therefore, we could try that idea."

"Hum... it is a... possibility," Kay commented. "But how are you sure that the herds will not just jump over the spears?"

"Panic. The Boltoccor ravens have learned that if we cause the herds to panic, there are too many creatures pushing against each other which forces them forward. Those who do try to jump, usually do not have enough space to do it. So, they instead try to run away from the spears."

"That is actually a pretty smart idea," Vall chimed in.

"Alright, we can do your plan, Thunder Wing," Kay said. "Although I do think that it would be a good idea to have another plan in case yours fails."

"Alright, so what do you propose?"

As the two birds discussed, Vall looked at the other side of the river. He then began to think. As he continued thinking, ideas started to roll around in his mind, but one stood out from the others. He turned back to Kay and Thunder Wing and spoke up.

"What if we made a second wall?"

The two stopped talking and stared at Vall.

"Just like Thunder Wing suggested, but instead we add another line of spears on the opposite side of the river. Like that those animals who jump over the first wall of spears will still have to get over a second barrier. And, with the spears' end pointed towards the inside of the river, when they do try to climb over them, they will get poked. It might even force them back into the river."

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