Marie Antoinette ( Lafayette's Route)

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Title: Marie Antoinette

Author: Time Princess

Genre: Historical fiction, drama

Language: English

Chapters: 2

Status: Completed

My Review:

Hello! Welcome back! So yeah as you can read the title it was Lafayette's route if you still asked at the end if who's route is this I will face slap your face. Just kidding.

So many readers are dying to marry Lafayette but Marie is taken by his husband the king, Louis. I call this man "annoying person" (Sorry people I don't give a damn about your opinion on my opinion). At first in the first chapter you'll accidentally gonna met him because you're gonna collapse.



Because the corset is thight you little—

Then of course he will catch you *dramatic romantic music starts playing*. By that you are gonna was "Oh my! He's hot" and the REAL. MAIN. CHARACTER. was like "Nay nay".

Then after that encounter you'll encounter again to a semi-ball? Or feast, just something like that. Then he'll asked you to dance but wait there's someone who gonna asked you at the same time but of course you'll say yes to Lafayette because it was LAFAYETTE'S ROUTE. Then blah blah blah.

In the real feast or ball now you will meet again in the garden. Then he's gonna talk to you with his problem lmao.

Then you and him will have a heart to heart conversation.

The character was like "Ya know I feel yah."

He was like "Great! I'mma give my oath berreh to ya!"

Just like that the love will bloom.

Just kidding! Don't day dream!

And of course anything etcetera will happen so let's skip that cause it was boring. Then at the end you need to think critical to be in his route because his important, duh?

I guess the devs ship them but I don't. It's a nay nay.

When you are in his route in ending there is a two things you can choose. Is either you fear living without him or you are afraid that Louis will die.

When you choose you fear living without him it's a good ending.

But if you choose the number 2 you'll die with more dramatic etcetera.

So yeah I guess that's it.

In my review in this I might say mister annoying is dumb. And fun fact Marie and him in real life hated each other.

So yeah. Bye.(●__●).

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