Food Fantasy Ships

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Title: Food Fantasy Ships

Genre: Fanfiction

Writer: ChewyChewingston

Language: English

Chapters: 19 (But I will only featuring "Unattainable: Miso Soup x Master Attendant)

Status: Unknown

My Review:

So quick flashback! I want Miso Soup x Reader! [Done]

As you know, well you still don't know but now you know.

I just recently found a Miso Soup X Master Attendant one and I'm so glad. As I said back then I shall search the land of stories just to find one.

So here it is:

Sanma (which I don't know who is that on the world of Food Fantasy?!) appeared and then him and Miso soup was talking about Master Attendant which is introduced as "They".

Because you know of course the author want it to be safe. The author is no psychic to know if his/her readers are she or him or they/them.

Then Sanma here was reminding Miso Soup the rules that Food Souls and Humans can't be together and I was like yeet! Bye! I will asked someone to make you human, joke!

So after that Miso Soup can only sigh and the ending is really a cliffhanger like come on I want more Miso Soup. I want him to see Master Attendant and him will talk like any other fanfics but oh well luck is not with me.

Also I forgotten that Miso Soup is a monk so yeah it was more forbidden to love him, but I don't care!

I will rate this part 10/10 because it was nice and all yet too short!

For the people who are requesting! Keep requesting and keep on waiting because your request might be next!

Damn... I have so much a lot on my plate lately!

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