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I awoke the next morning to see  Melody sitting in a chair, next to my bed.
As soon as she saw my eyes open, she immediately said "Your highness, I would like to inform you that the ball is to return again. And that the High Lord, your father, requests your presence there."

I made a grim face. "Is that where all the Courts of Prythian attend?"

She nodded.

I'd heard of the ball, my father told me about it whenever he had went. It is held, every year- to keep the bonds between our courts...connected. Of some sorts.

I've never been to one, as I 'wasn't of age' to attend- but- I dreamed of how it'd be like, to see everyone happy. A mix of colour and air...I wondered if he would be there. The son of the Night Court. But of course he would. He'd already probably been, and danced with all the ladies...I shunned that thought and pushed it out of my mind.

Melody suddenly spoke across the room from me, without me even noticing how she'd got there. "I have gathered a few dresses you may like to wear- your only job now is to choose one." She said smiling, her hair beautiful simmering red, the colour of Autumn.

"Hmmm.." I said standing up, looking at the variety of dresses on display.

One was blue, decorated with different colour gems- leaves sprouting around them. A mermaid style fit. I liked it, but it wasn't what I wanted to wear.
My eyes trailed over to an orange one, with roses entwined with thorns- its fit like a ballerina. But still it wasn't for me.
The next dress, was more to my liking. Twinkling the shade of Emerald, a beauitful ball gown fit for a princess. The ball gown soft velvet, glitter covering the whole of it. Like twinkling stars. The top half of the gown had a daffodil printed upon it- it didn't look out of place as you would've thought- as the colours of that flower practically melted into the soft velvet around it.

"This one." I said, staring at it.

Melody smiled and started to dress me.


I walked towards the great hall, which no one person owned. It was everyones. Melody had curled my hair seamlessly- apparently my hair was 'battling against her' as the curls didn't tighten and stay. But that wasn't something a little magic couldn't fix. Two pieces of hair were brought back from my face to join at the back of my hair, a classic style. With a green leaf, a hair piece that I had forgotten the name of.

My father walked beside me, in a dashing red outfit as always. His head held high, rough with age. Our bright, golden hair matching.
The garden outside was exquisite, with tall trees that shaded the pathway, tall flowers hung slightly in the path- wild but not too wild. Just right.

Many people stood outside, of lesser social standing. Even when they couldn't enter the great hall- they laughed happily and loved every moment of where they were. Each mixing in courts.

Whenever a young man, or any man for that matter, looked my way- my father would glare the most deadly stare- that told them I just wasn't worth it.
I liked how he cared for me, but he seems to care too much. Too controlling. I wouldn't admit that out loud though.

The vast great stone doors were open for all to see. We walked through them, my face in awe at what I was first to see.

People danced, giggled, chatted away- and gossiped across the hall. The interior were the colours of red and gold, royalty at its best. Long red curtains draped from the large windows that dotted the walls. Paintings of each current high lord, were perched in positions, right in line with each other- so nobody thinks their less or higher.

People stared at me as I walked in, some smiled at me, some looked away unmoved, some winked- the list could go on. As everybody was different.

I couldn't see him, the Son of the Night Court- but theres no doubt he'd be here.

My father suggested we grab a drink from the drinks table to our right. So I followed him.

The floor was white marble, glistening at the lights that gleamed from the ceiling.

I drank my drink happily, breathless by the sight that beheld my eyes. Once I'd finished my drink I didn't want to stand next to my father anymore, I wanted to explore the people, the hall- everything. So I quickly excused myself before he could say anything else as I ran into the crowd, into the unknown.


People nodded, said hello- or totally ignored me. I didn't mind whatever reaction I got. I stared at each painting, showing the magnificence of each High Lord- not dimming the power they held in that picture. I saw my own father, and then the Night Court's High Lord.

He had purple eyes, that just like his son, had stars shinning in them. But before I could admire much further, a sharp cough, as if to get my attention sounded behind me.

I turned round to see a boy, with deep blue- icey eyes. Staring right into mine. His hair was silver, matching frost. He wore a tunic of blue- his trousers blue too. A small crown with spires of ice sticking out of it- he's from the winter court. He smiled- the happiness not meeting his eyes.

"May I have this next dance?" He held out his hand, offering.

I was about to answer until a hand and arm slithered around my waist.

I looked up, looking into those deep violet-blue eyes. He was handsome, no doubt about that. His hair still fell upon the front of his face, like battered curtains- still gaps and holes through the hair.

"Nyx." The winter boy said curtly, staring up at him like he hated him.

"Hello, Aspen." He replied, adding a slight hiss when he said his name- that changed his smile.

"He seems you're holding my dance partner." He glared at Nyx, with pure rage.

Nyx's arm tightened around my waist, then brought me closer in.
Aspen noticed that, a snarl rippling from deep in his chest.

Nyx answered that with a lower more dominant growl- that shook my bones as easily if they were glass.

Everyone around us had stopped dancing and looked towards us with curiosity. I looked down, unable to hold their stares.

I looked up again a moment later. The High Lord of the Night Court appeared, as well as his High Lady- watching proudly yet grimly on what was unfolding.

My father was looking too, angered- debating whether to risk it, to strike at Nyx.
I knew that because his face, like usual, looked like it was about to explode.

Aspen held out his hand again, for me to follow him. Nyx's face hardened, but recoiled his arm slightly- to give me the option to go.

But I stayed- because my body wouldn't let me. There was something about him, that pulled me to him- that wanted me to cling to him, forever. So I nestled in to Nyx's side. Nyx finally looked down at me, and smiled, the most beautiful and warming smile I'd ever seen. He leant down and whispered into my ear

"Hold on"

He pushed me and held me into his side tightly in a sudden swift moment and we winnowed out of there, like smoke withering away from a burning fire.


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