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-'•Linetta's POV•'-

My pulse started to quicken as I stiffened under their pointy touch.

They giggled into my ear, drawing blood from my neck, tickling me slightly as it trickled down my skin.

Heat went to my cheeks as I panicked- searching for a way out- but I couldn't, I was stuck in this execution, and there was no way of escaping.

"TIMES UP!" Shouted the head judge, hand up in the dark sky.

Blair glared down at him with outrage from her high seat, and the 3 girls unwillingly let me go- stepping away.

Close one I thought- heart still pumping wildly in my chest.

"I guess times on my side." I swaggered, trying to get my confidence back- to prove to them I'm not the pathetic thing they just saw moments ago.

Lila snorted. " It doesn't matter how much time you have." Lila growled. "You're still going to die."

I watched all three of them walk up to their seats and sit down, smug with themselves.

What does she mean, that I'm still going to die?

I grimace and pat my dress down, which is now cut up- hanging in 'ribbons' by the claws of the 3 girls.

Already they have made this much damage- how will I survive 10 more rounds with their brutality?

"YOU'RE PRETTIER NOW, SPRING BITCH!" Screamed an audience member- I looked up in pure horror- searching for the person.

"HEY!" Shouted back a voice I recognised- there sat slightly hidden beside the Queen sat Sebastian.

Blair already gripped his face- staring into it with pure wrath, blood trickling down his face. I started to run to the audience- no way can she do this to him. Her own brother.

Suddenly I was tugged back to my chair, by attor halfbreeds- shoving me into the chair so hard I nearly rocked back.

"Don't cause trouble, missy." One of them hissed- long pink tongue flapping out of his mouth.

Ugh- they're vile.

Blair let go of Sebastian, luckily missing my reaction- we don't want her thinking we're allies.

He smiled at me slightly, with encouragement- but I couldn't smile back- I didn't have it in me.

"Anyway Ladies and Gentleman." The judge announced. "Let's continue."


Blair stood up again from her seat, ready to address her charming audience.

"Round two of Linetta's first trial." Blair started- with an unamused voice. "I honestly don't really know how she survived the first." She drawled, flicking her hand in my direction.

Laughter erupted around me- high pitched and low pitched.

I thought these trials were for me to prove myself? It seems to me she's already made up her mind.

"Let's have a look at outfits this round."

Great- another round which I'm going to lose.

The other 3 girl's outfits look as good as they did before- all neat and perfect. Mine was a joke- hanging in strips.

"Alright- girls same as before, stand in front of me."

Honestly what kind of trial is this- it's ridiculous. I thought I'd be running from demons- answering riddles, but a beauty competition? Seriously?

I guess being mauled by 3 ugly hags is actually pretty nasty too, when I come to think of it.

This was all pointless- the analysing and grading. I knew it as a soon as the first round started, they'd always pick me to lose- because that is what they have planned all along.

As the judges went through the scores- of course they had each been given at least over 7.

Me? Oh well not to my surprise, I was awarded 3 out of 10.

So again, I turned to face the girls and their long, sharp claws.


I was bloodied- coughing up its stickiness from my throat. They full on attacked me this time- good and proper. However, they didn't try and kill me- they decided torturing was the best bet.

My hands and arms are twisted- both healing as quickly as they can.

Jemima swung her fist at my face, causing some of my teeth to fly out. Lila went for my stomach- clawing at it like a dog would at a bone. Cornelia pulled at my arms at so many angles- I truly felt like a rag doll, defenceless in their arms.

I glimpsed Blair's face- pulled into a cruel smile- satisfaction literally buzzing through her.

This is helpless, I thought coughing on the ground- struggling to rise- I'm dead I might as well let it happen.

I'm only alive now because of the time- it's actually pretty convenient having a timer- but I don't feel alive. I feel broken.

"This is just a taster, Linetta, wait until you get the full whack of us." Snarled Cornelia- her hair hanging over my face, tickling it.

I couldn't reply, the blood in my mouth forcing me not to- so I decided to spit it- right in that ugly face of hers.

She closed her eyes and shook with rage, the two others about to grab hold of my neck-

"It's OVER- attack her if you win the next round." The judge warned, growling at us.

Don't be so fickle, I thought, you know who's going to fight who next round. We all do.


They brutalised me- every single round, my weak body becoming limper and limper, my healing not quick enough to help everything. Meaning I couldn't even fight back, not an ounce.

Until round 7.

When round six started- I noticed a fire being built and lit. I knew exactly what it was for- a cremation. Of my body- after this trail.

They know I'm going to die.

That's when something kicked in- the pure want of survival.

I'm not dying here- not yet. Not at this stupid trial which has no meaning.

I want to be with him, the boy I love- and I will fight for it. I have to. Whatever it takes.

So when I faced the 3 hags again, after losing yet again about eye colour this time, I knew what I had to do. I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it before.

This time when they get grinned at me, I grinned back- my canines gleaming in the sunrise that has started to flourish.

I felt tired- exhausted, but that's not going to sway me- nothing will.

I leap at them- my beast's jaw around Jemima's throat.


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