-Early November-

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(Locke's Point of View)

My breath drifted into the air in white puffs. Clouds had formed in the sky, heavy with the promise of the first snowfall. Since the day that I had gotten back, I was repairing my relationship with Noelle - or had at least been trying. I had thought that everything was resolved; it wasn't. Noelle was still upset with me, try as I might to make her change her mind. I was on my way to the store, in an attempt to find an apology gift for Noelle. I had to admit that Noelle was supremely stubborn. I, on the other hand, was a suck up when it came to friends like Noelle and Ella.

A shiver ran down my spine as I opened the shop door, warm air rushing out. I stepped in, wiping my combat boots on the mat. A guy not much older than myself greeted me. I nodded back politely and disappeared down one of the isles, searching for a gift. That was the hard part. I didn't want to offend Noelle if I bought her a shirt that was too large, or too small. I knew she favored baggy shirts, but was still wary about purchasing clothing for her.

Maybe she wouldn't be offended if I gave her one of my shirts, or hoodies? There wasn't much hope of her accepting a gift of my clothing. I bit my lip thoughtfully, dragging my gaze to the section of electronics. I thought about buying a camera for Noelle, knowing she loved to take photos. I decided against it when I realized it seemed more like a bribe than a gift. Sighing, I shook my head, continuing to look.

I left the store with a small bouquet of roses. I put the delicate flowers into my jacket so they would be safe from the cold. The store had only a few options for flowers left, and the deep scarlet colored roses seemed like my best choice. I couldn't afford to let them be damaged in any way. For one, they were the healthiest looking flowers, and for another, they cost me nearly forty bucks. I made sure not to crush the roses as I zipped up my coat. I didn't know if Noelle was working, since she hadn't really spoken to me other than to say goodnight the evening before.

The first flakes of snow began to fall, slowly at first and then all at once. The flurry was a heavy blizzard when I reached the café. I couldn't see if Noelle was behind the counter. The snow dampened even my sharpest senses. I pulled on the door handle, a gust of thick flakes rushing in before me. I shook my hair out, shivering as the cold flakes melted on my bare skin. I looked around. There were a few customers; some regulars. I watched for Noelle, sitting down at a table, hoping she would come out of the kitchen in the back. A quiet thump told me that someone had sat down across the table from me.

Turning in my seat, begging for it to be Noelle, I was surprised to see a blonde girl with dark brown eyes instead. I frowned, blinking at her. She wore a light pink crop top that showed off way too much of her chest, and a white fur coat. I'd never seen her before, but she looked like she was the daughter of the richest family in town. She scoffed as I stared.

"Um, aren't you like, going to say hello?" She glared at me. I straightened up, clearing my throat.

"Yeah, uh, hi?" I raised an eyebrow tentatively. The girl reached her spray tanned arm out, expecting me to greet her with a kiss on the hand, like she was a princess. She glowered at me when I didn't move, retracting her arm.

"So like, I'm Hope. Hope Christina Herrod. I'm called Hope cause everyone hopes they could be as pretty, rich, and smart as I am." Hope smirked. I bit the inside of my cheek. "I've seen you around here, like a lot. What's your name?" I shifted uncomfortably under Hope's gaze.

"Locke... My name's Locke." I felt her eyes bore into me, checking out every visible inch of my body. She giggled. Her laugh was rather unattractive.

"You're like, so cute, oh-em-gee."

"Erm... Thanks?"

Hope winked at me and I felt my very soul cringe.

"Locke?" A small voice sounded in my ears. I turned my head towards the noise.

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