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(Locke's Point of View)

I woke up happy that morning. It was Noelle's final shift at the café, and I couldn't wait to have her home every day, but at the same time, it filled me with dread. She still hadn't said anything about what she saw last month, and I was dying to know. I had put the situation to the back of my mind, trying to focus on my excitement of not having to share Noelle with her work. I sat on the couch, my guitar in my lap. It had been awhile since I'd played, and I was rusty. I strummed through my cords, tuning when I needed to. I sat, unsure of what to play. I wanted to sing something for Noelle again, but what? I tapped my fingers against the body of my guitar thoughtfully. Still, I had no ideas. I sighed, putting my guitar back on its stand. I'd try again later, maybe.

I walked to the kitchen, boiling water for tea. Maybe I'd surprise Noelle with dinner when she got home. I'll call Ella, and we can make a celebration of it. I knew Ella would gladly join me and help prepare, but it was a bit too early. After I made my tea, I sat back on the couch, switching on the TV. The cooking channel was on, and I laughed to myself.

"Noelle and her cooking shows, I swear..." I smiled. I sat for an hour or so, sipping tea and staring at the television. When my cup was empty, I got up and replenished it, repeating each time I ran out until the kettle was empty. I glanced up at the clock. Two more hours until Noelle got home. I'd better call Ella. I pulled out my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey Locke! What's up?" She picked up on the second ring.

"Not much. I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and help me make a special meal for Noelle when she gets home. It's her last day at the café, and I want to celebrate it." I smiled.

"Hell yeah! Gimme five and I'll be right over!" Ella hung up, and I did the same, slipping my phone back into my pants pocket. In minutes, Ella was in the front door, taking off her shoes. "Hey Locke!" She beamed.

"Hey Ella," I nodded back. "Could you help me cut these veggies? I'm making rice balls and sushi for Noelle. It's one of her favourites."

"Sure, sure." Ella walked to the kitchen sink and washed her hands. While she rinsed off the soap, I cut carrots into long, thin strips while Ella cooked the sticky rice. After slicing the carrots, I moved on to making the tuna and mayonnaise mix for the rice ball filling. Ella and I worked away, finishing around the time when Noelle would surely be on her way home. Quickly and carefully, I set the table. I could see that Ella was excited as well, both of us watching the front door like hawks, waiting for Noelle to walk in.

Twenty minutes passed and still Noelle hadn't shown. I could feel in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong - very wrong.

"Something isn't right..." Ella frowned. "Noelle should've been home by now." Ella looked at me, worry creasing her brow.

"Maybe... Maybe they just kept her late? It's her last day and all..." I swallowed hard.

"Locke, I'm sure nothing's happened to her. Don't worry so much, okay?" Ella tried to give me a reassuring smile, but a frown took over.

"Do you think that maybe... Maybe Aren finally..." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

"I'm going to find out." Ella shot up. "Stay here, in case she comes home."

"Okay." I watched as Ella left, and then busied myself with putting away dinner. I needed to keep my mind off of the worst, and convince myself that Noelle was only held up at work, and that she'd be on her way soon. "Oh Noelle..." I murmured, my eyes growing misty. My heart ached. She was my happiness; my laughs, my smiles. She was my everything. As I closed the fridge door, my phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out so quickly that it almost slipped through my fingers. My body shook as I read the text.

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