10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"

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Chapter Ten
"Fuckers Everywhere"

"if you want the rainbow, you
gotta put up with the rain."
— Dolly Parton


   Fuck the sun.

   Okay, not really. I still enjoyed the tan, but goddamn, it was hot as shit today, despite it being the beginning of September.

   I was standing on top of a dock, surrounded by men and women alike, all wearing white and waiting to get on board someone's boat.

   I was invited because of Sydelle, who wasn't even here because she was forever the loafter. Luckily, I met two girls while I was waiting—Delia and Sana.

   They were both gorgeous, with Sana having a fuller body than her friend, but Delia fashioning a face full of freckles. I towered over the both of them, despite them wearing heels, but nonetheless, they were great company and easy to talk to.

   "Are you here for Mateo's yacht?" Delia questioned with a wide grin. "Maybe we can drink together when we get on board!"

   I smiled and leaned against the pillar behind me. "I am, actually. How do you guys know him?"

   Sana rolled her eyes while Delia glanced away, to the far end of the dock. I didn't miss her cheeks tinting with pink, though, as she rubbed her upper arm.

   "They slept together," Sana deadpanned, shooting her friend a dirty look. "Even though she knows he's an idiot with an attention problem."

   I laughed and reached out to the bottom of my dress. I was wearing a white, ruched strapless dress, which kept on either rising from my legs, or falling off my breasts. I already regretted my outfit choice.

   Note to self: wear dresses with straps next time.

   "Attention problem?" I repeated amusingly.

   Delia snapped her eyes to mine, but frowned and studied the ground between us before defensively stating, "He doesn't. Sana just doesn't like him."

   Sana stared at her in disbelief. "You told me that when you didn't talk about how great he was in bed, he started freaking out!"

   "An ego problem then," I snorted before settling my gaze on Delia. "You can do better."

   "But he actually is good in bed," she groaned. "My last boyfriend knew shit. He didn't even know where my clit was!" When she finished hissing, and I threw my head back and laughed.

   Her hazy eyes focused on me and raised her brows. "You got any horror stories?"

   That thought made me sober up, real quick.

   "I actually was never in a relationship," I admitted. "Kinda never got the chance to, to be honest."

   "They must throw themselves at you," Sana whispered breathlessly, wide eyed. But I only grinned before winking.

   "And they never catch me."

   Despite my playful tone, my thoughts immediately began to drift to Daemon—who I wish would throw himself at me. But he disappeared, and the longer he was gone, the more irritated I was.

   I wasn't magically in love with him after we kissed—hell, I didn't even like him. But he made me feel good. And if he was worried about me asking for more, he could have easily used that mouth of his and talked.

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