5 | "Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"

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Chapter Five
"Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"

"sometimes an angel, sometimes a
hell raiser. always a strong woman,"
~ r.h. sin


   I was smirking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

   With a quick twist, I arched my back and admired my behind. The dress I wore showcased every curve I had, and because of all the workout routines I'd done for years, my ass looked great.

   I think the audience downstairs would disagree, but I didn't have a care in the world.

   Turning my body forward again, I exhaled and tucked some of my loose, wavy hair behind my ear. Since I had access to my clothes from New York, it wasn't long until I found some of my clubbing dresses, which consisted of them being short, tight, and revealing.

   The winner for this evening happened to be more modest than the others, although it definitely wouldn't be approved for tonight's dinner, since it really helped show off my breasts.

   It was a black, ruched mini dress with a deep v-neck and long sleeves—because I would be insane to strut around in short sleeves. It was freezing tonight, but that wasn't stopping me from wearing a short dress.

   The dress also covered my right shoulder blade, which I was happy about.

   It was Friday, the night papa's "business associates" were coming over. I was surprisingly left alone to dress myself, which was honestly papa's mistake. Anything I wore, and the consequences of it, he had to claim responsibility for.

   I admired my butt one last time before I finished applying my eyeliner. It wasn't anything too crazy, but I put enough to enhance my green eyes and make them appear more sensual.

   With some more mascara and nude lipstick, I gave myself a nod for encouragement before leaving the bathroom for the first time in hours. I knew there was someone sitting in front of the computer in the surveillance room, already aware of my movement.

   I bit back the urge to flip them off as I entered the entryway, wearing my house slippers. I asked yesterday during dinner if I was required to wear heels, but papa just gave me a dry look before Micah snorted.

   "Do you think us as idiots, Roza? You are not to have any sharp objects near you, and that includes those pointy shoes."

   Again, I felt honoured. They really thought of everything.

   Their efforts wouldn't stop me, though.

   I didn't stop striding as I pushed my bedroom door open, knowing Daemon was close by, watching.

   The second my foot crossed the threshold, I felt the temperature dropping instantly. The hairs on the back of my neck rose, like they always did under Daemon's stare. But I ignored it as I turned to my left, continuing my long steps down the dim hall.

   I swear I could hear Daemon's teeth grind, and that almost made me smile.

   We continued to walk silently for another minute. But the moment I stepped out of the east wing and toward the grand staircase, a strong hand latched itself on my wrist before I was harshly tugged into the darkness.

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