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Tyler walks back in

He betrayed me; he needs to die

"Tyler, there's been a wolf watching me lately. Protecting me, like it instinctively knows that I'm part of it's pack" she pauses "You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want...was it you?"

his face looks confused until he stares at me like I really would follow her around as a wolf "No, but you're right-- only hybrids can control when they change. There are only three of us alive; me, Klaus, and Samael. Which is why you and he is here"

Hayley starts like hyperventilating "Whatever you think you're doing, you know the whole Original family has made some sort of pact or something, to keep me and the baby safe. So, if you hurt me, they'll kill you"

Wonder how I'll kill him

"What makes you think I'm afraid to die?"

the two wolves walk back into the shack

"You two ready for this?" Tyler asks

they both nod

he digs in his bag pulling out two large serenges

Hayley's heart starts beating like crazy

"What are you doing?"

I sneer

"He thinks the baby's and I's blood will make hybrids"

one wolf holds me down and the other grabs me

"Tyler, please. NO! Tyler!"

Tyler growls "Klaus destroyed everything good in my life! So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!"


he jams the syringe into Hayley's stomach and another wolf jams one into mine to pull out blood

Hayley starts screaming while I just glare

I've got a plan now, hybrids are sired

after our blood is inserted into them Tyler breaks their necks

after awhile Tyler catches my glare

"Stop staring! They knew what they were getting into. They volunteered!"

a deep chuckle comes out of my mouth "I don't care that you killed them what I care about is how many ways I'm going to make you scream in pain before I kill you"

Hayley stares at me in shock

Tyler laughs "Sure, Sam, sure"

"Samael" I snap "Only my friends are allowed to call me Sam"

"How can you be sure Klaus knows what this baby's blood will do? And how do you know that Samael's blood will work because Klaus doesn't even believe he's his son"

"Sam, can turn at will" Tyler points out "Besides why would he want this child if he didn't want his first? He's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing"

the two wolves or I guess Hybrids now

"You're gonna need to feed on them" Tyler tells

I narrow my eyes "Put your teeth in me and I'll add you to the list of the dead"

neither of them listen because they both fucking feed on me. They start convulsing and the plan is about the start

they the hybrids face emerge

Tyler leaves with one of them. Thank me that it was the one the baby turned

"Hey" I call "It would make me extremely happy if you would untie me"

"What" Hayley whispers "He's not-"

the hybrid walks over and starts to untie me

a smile breaks down on my face as he unties the last knot that's when I break his neck followed by me pulling out his heart

Hayley screams alerting the two others so I had to transform into my wolf and I dart into the dark corner

the two others comes back in

Tyler's eyes get big "Where is Sam"

with that I jump on the other hybrids neck and bite down causing cracks until he's down and his head is across the room

"Sam" Tyler growls

I look at Hayley and then dart out of the house


Hayley's pov.

I start running out through the woods, Tyler's knife still in hand, and I hide behind a tree. Someone starts approaching so I go to strike

it's Elijah "Forgive me! I thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken"

I sigh into his arms as a hug

"You will not believe the crap day I'm having"

Elijah smiles into my hair "I'll take you home"

he goes to leave but I stop him "Elijah, there's something you need to know about the baby and Samael"


Samael's pov.

I keep running I would never be able to kill a hybrid that is older then me. Then I hear Klaus screams so I bunker down close to the house.

then Klaus comes back and see's the dead hybrids

Elijah and Hayley return

"There you are! I see you've found our wandering stray. Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation. This--" he drops the hybrids I killed "-- appears to be a hybrid"

"Samael killed them" Hayley says "He ripped the heart out of the heart of John. He turned into a tiny wolf and ripped Dwayne's head off before darting out of the shack which made Tyler follow"

Klaus looks around "Where is he? And how did he turn because he's not my son"

Hayley doesn't answer "Your son is a monster"

"He's not my son" Klaus growls "There is no way because I could only have kids after I broke the curse"

"Come on out" Elijah sighs "Samael"

army crawling out from a hallow I run over to them as a little black wolf

I guess I'm bigger then I was when I was three

"How are they possible anyhow, I didn't sire them" Klaus snaps

Hayley stomps over "As if you and your monster son didn't know"

Elijah grabs Hayley

"Ahh, well, aren't you two fast friends?" Klaus smirks "Oh, come on, then. What kind of horrible accusations have you conspired to levy against me?"

that's when I dart off because I don't wanna listen. After finding the car I turn back into a human and get in.

about ten minutes later he opens the car door and slams in closed when he's in

"When did you turn into a wolf?" he growls

"Three" I gulp "I'm sorry, Klaus"

he's mad

I can hear his exhale through his nose

that's when we drive off

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