Jackson's dead

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Rebekah walks down the stairs with her suit case

"Oh, Rebekah" Auntie Freya says "So soon?"

"Take care of our brothers and our devil of a nephew, Freya"

she hugs Freya

"God knows they need it"

Rebekah kisses Elijah on the cheek and turns to Hope

"Bye, baby"

sighing she turns to me "I'm sorry, little devil. I shouldn't of said the things I did to you and I'll regret it forever. I know you hate me but just don't make Hope hate me"

a smile comes to my face

"I don't hate you, Rebekah. I think we have a love hate relationship besides I would never make Hope hate you because I did"

Rebekah smiles turning to Hayley "I'm so sorry about what I said, Hayley"

she's still hurt but...

"It's fine"

"You know, when I left last, I thought for sure you'd hate Klaus forever"

the hybrid female laughs "Oh, I will! but even when you hate him..."

Rebekah turns to dad

"You're always leaving"

"And I always come back"

they hug

"Run far and fast, stay on the move, and-- should you happen to meet some handsome fool-- know your weaknesses"

she laughs "Haha! Well, perhaps it's time our roles reversed. I'll run away from love if you run towards it"

they talking about Cami?

who cares

I take my stuffed animal to Hope so we can play. She has a black stuffed wolf stuffed animal

"You named it yet?" I ask her

"I call you Sam so I inking I could call 'im Samael"

I smile "Okay if that's what you want"

"oo name oors"

looking down I say "This is a girl because it's large and the stomach doesn't curve to meet her back legs. I've decided on Athena after the Grecian goddess of wisdom and war"

her eyes role

"Why are oo so mart? It's noying"

I laugh


Cami's dead, jealous Aurora did it

I'm sitting in the study with dad when Elijah walks in

"How is she" Elijah asks

"She has just risen from the dead. As soon as she feeds, her mood will change for the better"

will it.....Cami as a vampire; I don't think that will last tong

"In the meantime, these attacks need to be answered! Our retribution must be swift, and it must be brutal!"

"Agreed" Elijah says calmly like that's gonna help anything "After the Serratura has been recovered"

Elijah sighs throwing his coat

"Freya's pendant is also missing"

dad rolls his eyes "And Finn's mystical essence along with it. So let the imbecile stay lost! Our business for today is to finish off the de Martels!"

I'm your kid too, father حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن