Chapter 15: Typical antagonist with a twist

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Grace was frozen in shock and couldn’t quite comprehend the words that just came out of Jasmine’s mouth

“What” I said stupidly

Jasmine stared at me and I swear I saw her roll her eyes at me before she turned away seemingly not wanting to repeat herself and started eating the dessert that appeared on the table.

I was about to respond before a voice butted in

“Well if it isn’t Grace Vale at this cheap little cafe” A silky familiar voice was heard from next to me

I internally groaned before putting on a fake sweet smile and turned towards a dangerous beauty

“Ameila Hale, What are you doing at a small little cafe” I eye smiled “After All this isn’t your style”

The lady before them was Ameila Hale, the sole child of a wealthy jewelry owner. She had striking red hair and green cat-like eyes.

“ Oh, I saw you through the window and wanted to say hello” Ameila’s sickenly sweet voice made me gag inside

“How sweet, but you can leave now” I said sarcastically and narrowed my eyes dangerously

Amelia paid no mind to Grace’s killing intent and cupped her cheek sighing disappointingly

“What a shame. To think the powerful Grace Vale would stoop so low to hang out in such a dump” She closed her eyes regretfully

My left eye twitches irritatedly and my fist clenched underneath the table

Ameila smirked seeing my reaction, but frowned when she saw who I was sitting with

“Whos this” Her attitude took a 180 and she gazed at Jasmine with disgust 

“Jasmine Black” I said haughtily

Ameila froze hearing the surname Black

“Black you say” she drawled while scanning Jasmine from head-to-toe


‘This should shut her up. She is an arrogant person and looks down on those weaker, but she backs away when it comes to those more powerful than her. Though I do respect her a little,’ I thought begrudgingly, ‘ she is on the weaker side of high society and a female who is to take over her father’s position. She fights everyday to prove to others that she doesn’t need a husband to take over the business. Though that doesn’t excuse the way she treats others’

“Hm, I don’t recall Mrs. Black having two daughters” Amelia slowly smirked, “but I do remember hearing about three illeginamate children arriving all of a sudden”

“She might be illegitimate but she is still a Black” I fought back

Through this whole conversation Jasmine has been ignoring them and stuffing her face with the delicious desert, but unfortunately she ran out. 

Jasmine internally pouted and finally looked up. She tilted her head confused at the arrival of the new person.

Amelia caught her questioning gaze and sneered at her before covering it up

“How dimwitted are you to not hear anything going on next to you” Amelia insulted with a smile

Jasmine gazed at her a little longer before turning back to Grace and then turned back. She pointed to Amelia and asked,


Grace and Amelia froze up and they looked at each before plastering their faces with disgusted looks.

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