Chapter 8: Macabre Medical Manuals

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Two days earlier

Crow held a thin mask of Elysium over her face, careful to breathe in as little as possible, lest she become like one of the addicted. She accidentally let a huge breath in and a sigh of relief out. A little couldn't hurt... right?

Either way, she needed to be here, in this disease-ridden hospital with the parasites crawling around outside of her locked office and the medical documents spread out over the desk. Half of a parasite pinned to the table by a metal spike tried it's best to push itself up off of the top of the metal. It used its squid-like tentacles to push its body up the rod, only to come up short and flop back down to the table where it squirmed a bit before trying again. Crow looked at the corresponding image in her research.

 Crow looked at the corresponding image in her research

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This version of the parasite sports barbs along it's appendages. When it latches into the skin it becomes harder to remove. Much like a hook or a tracking arrow it is incapable of being pulled on without massive amounts of blood loss.

The squid variation is much more dangerous than its cone type due in part to the larger appendages. These limbs allow the squid the ability to climb and burrow. The most dangerous aspect of this creature is that it has the intelligence of a bird catching spider. It will go out of its way to set traps and patiently wait for victims. Only the Brain Welder and possibly the Antenna possess this greater intelligence, thank the spirits.



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