Carry On

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    Simon woke up to a rainy Saturday morning, and wandered down the hallway to the small kitchen. He decided to make eggs for himself and his brother, hoping to put Liam in a better mood. Him and Liam had a fight, if you could even call it that,  and Simon wanted to break Liam's mood as quickly as possible. The clock chimed letting Simon know that it was seven in the morning, and he sat down to his eggs, pulling out his phone. Simon called his mother every Saturday at seven; being that she was in therapy it was some of the only time the two still got together. His mother and him were both morning people, but not Liam, who could sleep til 11 with very little resistance. 

     "Hi Dear." His mother answered almost immediately, and Simon knew she had been waiting by the phone 6.

     "Hi mom. How's Willowbrook?" He asked, in reference to where she was staying at that moment.  

     "It's good. There's lots if very nice people. They even have a pool." 

    "That's good. How are you?" He tried not to press, but his mother's addiction had been a constant struggle over the past few years.

    "I'm in withdrawal." She stated, and Simon resisted the urge to smile. 

     "Withdrawal is better than using." He stated.

     "It is." She paused. "How's Liam? Sometimes I feel like he doesn't like to talk to me."

     "Join the club." Simon chuckled bitterly. "I think he's alright. He's going to school, and playing lots of football."

     "Have you gone to see a game?"

     "He told me not to." Simon played with a small ring he usually wore. "I don't want to psyche him out if he doesn't want me there."

    "Keep trying with him. He's difficult like your father. He wants to be alone, but he's incapable of being alone." His mother rarely talked of the boys' father. and he knew it hurt her to. "I don't want him to fall through the cracks."

     "hm." Simon hummed in agreement, "I spoke to grandpa yesterday."

     "Oh? How are things?"

     "They seem fine." Simon clutched his tea closer hopping the rain would fade throughout the dreary day. 

     "How are things with you guys... financially?"

    "I think good... Liam won't let me get a job, I guess grandma and grandpa are covering some of it, because he doesn't work either..." I explained. Liam walked into the room wordlessly and sat down at the table. I stood and grabbed his plate from the counter to set it in front of him. "Morning!"

     "Morning." His gruff voice forced out. 

     "Would you like to talk to mom?" Simon asked.


     "What'd he say?" My mother asked from the phone. Simon eyed him for a moment.

     "He said he has to go, but he'll call you later." Simon lied, and Liam glared at him from the table. "Listen Mom, I've got to go, Love you." Simon hung up the phone and put it back on its home. "She thinks you hate her." 


     "Do you?" Simon pressed.


     "Then..." Simon's voice faded away when he realized Liam wasn't listening to him. "What are you doing today?"

     "Don't worry about it."

     "Liam?" Simon's voice cracked, and Liam looked up from his eggs.

     "I think I'd like to go to the mall." Liam's tone softened, and he smiled slightly, though it refused to reach his eyes. "Would you like to come with?"

     "Sure." Simon grinned. The two boys finished eating in silence. Liam was too broken to try and make jokes or break the silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Then they piled into his old beaten car and drove to the local mall. It was a little crowded, so they stuck closely together going into a few stores without buying anything. 

     "Your birthday is coming up." Liam stated staring straight ahead.

     "It is."

     "What would you like to do?" Liam asked.

     "I think I'd like for us to spend the day together." Simon suggested, and Liam looked away to hide his smirk. 

     "Wait here." Liam said before turning into a store on the left. Simon obeyed and sat on a bench that wasn't far from the entrance. He couldn't see where Liam went from where he sat but he could see many people walking past him. Simon liked to feel invisible, and it was very easy for him to do.

     "Simon?" Most of the time, anyway. 

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