I Comeback Stronger Than a 90s Trend

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(A//N) Shout out to starlit_scumbag for having the first comment on the last chapter. I guess my reign of terror is over. 🤷‍♂️

Liam walked from his room carrying a gym bag over his shoulder. He was moving swiftly throughout the house, and he gained Simon's attention as he walked through the kitchen.

"Where are you off to?" Simon asked.

"I'm going to practice." Liam lied.

"But when you picked me up from school, you said you were coming from practice." Simon's brows furrowed.

"Oh well.. um.." Liam scratched his head trying to come up with an excuse.

"And you're not dressed for a practice." Simon titled his head, gesturing to Liam's chino pants. "Liam Matthews, have you got a secret girlfriend you aren't telling me about?"

"Um.." Liam's eyes went wide. "Did I forget to mention that? Mary and I are back together. I guess the charade is up." Liam tossed his bag onto the ground, no longer needing it to pretend he was going to practice.

"Why wouldn't you want me to know that? I've always liked Mary. Besides it's good for you to get back out there, I feel like you never even hang out with friends anymore." Simon smiled brightly in pride.

"Oh I guess I was just being silly." Liam shrugged, suspicious at how well he'd been able to unwind himself from the mess he created.

"Look at you all spiffy for your date." Simon grinned at his brother, glad to see him behaving in a healthy and normal way for a change, "Go, don't let me hold you back."

"Sure." Liam turned to go, after a quick goodbye to Simon. Telling Simon he had dates to go on would definitely be a much simpler excuse than practice, and Liam was sure he wouldn't need to use it many times more, once he was in a good enough place financially to help Simon.

Simon sat alone in the kitchen, suddenly missing his brother, despite his happiness that his brother was gone. Liam had been strange since he graduated high school, and Simon hated to see it, but Liam seemed better than ever and that was good. The only problem was that left Simon all alone.

Simon resolved to watch a movie in the living room and he felt himself drawn to the one Asher had put on for him. It was a happy memory, and Simon only had a few of those. Asher was so sweet that day, and so warm, that Simon longed to be wrapped in his arms again. He wondered if it was the loneliness talking or if he was actually beginning to develop feelings for the boy, he'd assured he wouldn't. Still Simon wanted to watch the movie again, even if he wasn't particular sure as to why. It was a good movie, he decided.

Still even it made Simon sad. He hadn't fully processed his feelings about being blown off earlier. Asher had clearly not wanted to talk to him, and Simon had no idea why. He thought he was okay with it, but in truth he wasn't. Simon internalized most of his pain, took the sorrows into his heart and let them fester. He wished that wasn't the way he was, but it just was. Asher and his relationship was strange, but being alone and having time to think about it, it made Simon depressed. He wanted to be with someone. He wanted to be sitting in Asher's arms, he wanted to be sitting next to Liam. Simon hated being alone, he hated it more than anything else in the world. It was a horrible heavy feeling to him, and he wished the gnaw would fade away.

     Anxiety was a constant struggle for Simon, something he could never quite evade. He found that helping others was a coping method. Simon would focus on the problems of his friends, so he wasn't reminded of his own issues. It became painfully clear that was ineffective when Simon was alone, and his demons devoured his mind like wolves. Alone Simon was a shell of himself wrought with thoughts of all his shortcomings. Simon helped everyone, but more than anything else, he needed help, desperately. 

     Depending on the time Simon's anxiety personified itself in different ways; during the daytime it was a nagging feeling he pressed to the back, but in the night it was a rapid beast that manifested in fear. Simon was afraid of nearly everything. He felt incredibly alone, and vulnerable at that time. As soon as the sun set every knock on the window, every gust of wind, and every chirp of an insect set Simon's skin aflame. A mixture of fear and anxiety bubbled in his brain, and the bad thoughts attempted to drown him, spilling into and poisoning the good. Nothing truly was there, but Simon saw shadows, heard whispers, felt prickled, and held his breath when he could. He felt watched. He felt listened to. Simon felt alone, in the worst possible way. Alone with killer on the loose.

About an hour into the movie Simon heard a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone, and being that Liam was away he really wasn't sure who it could be. Simon didn't consider himself one to be often afraid, but being alone in the house was a harrowing experience. He inced his way over to the door, until he could make out a figure on the front porch. The figure knocked again, and Simon knew he would need to open the door, so he began inching closer once again.

"Shea?" Simon asked, after he opened the door. Sure enough the dark haired boy was standing on Simon's front porch with a single lily in his hands.

"I said a lot of things the last time I was here, but the one thing I didn't say, is the only thing I needed to say; I'm sorry." Shea stated, his grey sweater hanging from his shoulders, and his jeans clinging to his legs. In a moment he was all the good and none of the bad, and in Simon's loneliness after being blown off by Asher in the morning, it was all he needed to forget everything Shea had done. "Simon are you alright?" Shea asked, as a few tears dribbled down Simon's cheeks. Simon pushed forward and wrapped his arms up around Shea's neck, pulling the boy ever closer to him.

"I can't tell you how glad I am that someone's here."

"I uh.. I missed you too." Shea's brows furrowed in moderate surprise at Simon's hasty forgiveness, but he decided not to look the gift horse in the mouth.

To Simon Shea was like a knight in shinning armor coming to the rescue right when he needed him most. Shea had many faults, but that day his timing was perfect. Simon needed someone, and Shea was there. Asher hadn't been there for him, but Shea had, and that had been a win, Shea's first in a while. All of Simon's feelings for Shea came rushing back and it was as if nothing had changed between them. As if Shea had been there the entire time, and all Simon felt for Shea right at that moment was love.

Possessive (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें