Chapter 3 - Samantha

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I wake up to soft, cozy sheets

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I wake up to soft, cozy sheets. I shift on the bed with a smile tugging on my lips. I stretch my arm and legs, I open my eyes to a fascinating water view. I sit up and look around.

I find the iceberg relaxed back on the couch reading something on the tab. His jaw is set firmly, the more I look at him the more gorgeous he gets. His hairs are all over his forehead, for the first time he's wearing something casual. My eyes trail over the veins of his knuckles to the short sleeve of his polo shirt.

Every part of him screams FICTIONAL. So this is how it is, I always fell for the personality of these fictional characters but now, even if his personality sucks he's a top notch. Let's not let him catch me staring at him again. I've been doing it a lot, not my fault though.

I clear my throat and he looks up at me, "You're up." He closes his tab and stands up. My heart flutters at the action, too unsure what he's playing at.

"Yeah, have I slept for long?" I ask trying to push the nerves down. He's at the foot of the bed, just a feet away from my touch. I push my hands into my lap so they won't try to reach him on their own.

"Three hours or so." He raises his hand and places it on my cheek, my breath hitches in my throat. His hands are rough, big and warm, I try not to lean into his touch. "Are you feeling better? Seemed like you were having a nightmare." He's voice almost sounds concerned.

I know it all Jasper, I know it all. I slowly push his hand away. "I'm fine. I don't even remember." I shrug it off. He pushes his hands into his pockets and stares at me.

I look at him not knowing what to do next. "So what do we do now?" I fold my legs. He sits on the bed, not too close but close enough to touch. He leans on the headboard, one leg down, one leg folded on the bed.

"No idea, it's my first time on a honeymoon too." He shrugs, I give him an amused smile.

"Here I thought you were a pro." I return his teasing tone, he smiles.

"What gave you that idea?" He leans forward giving me his undivided attention.

I shrug looking around, "The models and celebrities." I say and lock my eyes with him again.

"Those were rumors. I just had formal meetings with them." He says, "Funny how the news didn't make a big deal when I dined with the male." He says bitterly.

"So you were never romantically involved with any of them?" I ask tilting my head.

He shakes his head no. "I didn't have time for that matter. I have a whole kingdom to look after. A kingdom full of people who don't trust me." His face falls, he looks really sad. I reach out and place a hand on his. I give it a small squeeze.

"Don't worry they'll come to trust you. You'll be a great King." I say confidently. Coz I know, I've read. Once he finds his woman he'll do great.

He just stares at me, I quickly pull my hand back. That was so out of character, but his sad face really made me want to comfort him.

"Sorry, if I crossed the line." I say with a nervous laugh.

"Thank you." He smiles, a sweet gentle smile. I feel butterflies boom in my belly. I quickly look away, no this is the wrong effect, my heart is taking the wrong route. It happened earlier too, when he returned home from work looking so hot and tired, I couldn't think straight.

I push the sheets away and get off the bed, "I'll take a quick bath." I don't know why I tell him that. I open the closet and find my clothes all set, perks of being royalty.

I push a door that seems to the bathroom, I walk in and close it behind me. I turn around and almost fell unconscious. The sight is mindblowing. The sight of the ocean and the moon and the stars. The water is glowing.

I strip out of my clothes and dip into the warm pool. What I was feeling is heavenly. Can I stay here forever? I could actually swim in the tub. I move around enjoying the water and the view. Being the Queen has it's own perks, such a waste she'll die in six months.

I slap my cheeks. I won't die! I'll survive. I'm not the queen.

After what felt like forever I got out. I wrap myself in a soft baby pink towel. There are a bunch of moisturizers. I sat on the chair and apply chocolate scented moisturizer over my body while murmuring a song.

I let go of the towel and wear my underwear. Wait when are my periods coming? In the book there was no mention of periods? Does that mean I won't get any periods? I just hope they aren't painful, praying for the impossible aren't we?

There's a knock on the door, I jump and look at door. I locked it. Shit I was going to take a quick bath but it's probably been an hour.

I put on my clothes quickly and rush out, I search for him and find him by the window. He turns to me, his eyes linger a bit on my thighs before he looks up at my face.

"You look good in those clothes." He says, that compliment coming from him feels like I've been announced Miss America. It takes him two big strides to reach me. "Let's go have dinner." He holds out his hand, I hesitatly place mine in his.

I have to maintain distance from him, but that seems so be the hardest thing.

We walk out of the room, it seems to be a boarding house in the middle of the ocean. It has big windows that show that we are surrounded by water on all sides.

I try to pull my hand away but he holds it tighter. He turns to look at me, he tugs on my hand pulling me to him, our chest meet giving me weird sensations.

"Why are you pushing me away?" His breath fans over my face, he smells like mint - fresh and clean - like summer breeze.

"I'm not." I try to step away but he wraps his arm around me keeping me in place. "What are you doing?" Panick raises in the pit of belly, I push on his chest trying my best not to squeeze them in the process.

"Then what are you doing?" He ask theoretically. I glare at him, why is he doing this!?

"I don't like this. Let go." I struggle. "I don't want to do it with you."

It hurt, I hurt so bad but I can't tell him to stop. It's my duty, it's my responsibility to have a baby for him. I didn't know making babies was this hurtful. My insides are burning, I hate this feeling. I feel his silhouette on me, I put a hand over my mouth stopping the yelps and groans, he might hate it.

He let's go of me, I'm breathing heavily. No, stop thinking. Stop thinking. It's all fictional, just a book. Just a book.

I calm down and look at him, he looks too shocked ti even move. He's hands are stretched wanting to grab me or pat my back but he doesn't try, and I'm thankful he didn't or I might actually die from a panick attack.

I need to cover this up, can't actually tell him what happened right? I give him a small smile, "Let's have dinner?" I look at the dinning table that is full of hot, delicious smelling food.

His shoulders relax and he nods, "Sure."



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