Chapter 3: Short and not so sweet

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Chapter 3: Short and not so sweet

"Mumma?" Ariels soft voice was muffled by the blankets she had pulled up to her face. I had just finished telling her a story and just decided to lay down next to her for a bit until Courtney arrived.

I hummed in response, running my hands through Ariel's hair, loving the soft texture of her golden brown curls. She was blessed with stunning features. 

"Why doesn't my daddy come to see me? You said daddy loves me very much...but if he loved me so much why doesn't he want to see me?" My hand that was in her hair froze, along with every other part of my body.

I looked towards the little body next to me and saw her waiting patiently for me to answer her. Her big crystal blue eyes full of nothing but sadness looking at me expectantly. 

My heart ached for her, "Ariel" I sighed, biting my lip and did what I always do when it came to this topic, I lied. 

"Your daddy does love you, don't ever think he doesn't. It's not that he doesn't want to see you baby, It's just that daddy lives very far away so it's hard for him to come and visit us." 

My eyes watered and I swallowed the sob threatening to come out. If only what I said was true, things would be so much easier. Even though I know it's my fault, I did it for us. I watched my little girls lips turn into a pout and she rolled her eyes.

"But–" She started but then stopped as she looked at my face and frowned, "Why are you crying for Mumma?"

My eyes widened and I lifted a hand to my face feeling wetness on my skin. I didn't even realise I was crying. A warm little hand rested on my face and I was met with two shining blue eyes staring deep into me. Her innocent and worried face reminded me of myself at her age and that made me want to cry even harder. 

"I'm sorry Mumma, I didn't mean to make you cry." 

I wiped my tears and put my big girl panties on. 

"You didn't chicken, I just had something in my eye," I smiled pinching her nose and she giggled. I tucked her into the blankets and kissed her goodnight. 

As I switched the lights off, I stood at the door for a minute and watched her drift into a peaceful slumber. At 6 she was so innocent and naïve to the big bad ugly world. It scared me to think of her going through the same experience as me, falling for the perfect guy only to be heartbroken in the end. 

I wished there was some way for me to protect her from everything bad in the world but unfortunately that's not an option. I sighed and shut the door half way before walking down the stairs.

When I entered the kitchen I nearly groaned in frustration at the mess everywhere. Pasta sauce splashed on the bench next to the stove from when it over boiled, the kitchen table also had half of Ariel's dinner scattered everywhere.

I didn't have time to clean because when I looked at the clock I saw I only had 15 minutes to get to my second job and if Court didn't hurry up, I'd be late. 

As if reading my thoughts, the devil herself bursted through my front door, her wild red untamed hair all over the place and a big grin on her face when she saw me.

"Sorry girl, Oscar was being a pest, he wouldn't let me leave the apartment, it's like he almost wanted me to stay. And I kid you not, I swear I saw him roll his eyes at me when I shoved him with my foot." 

I grabbed my handbag and slipped on some simple black heels, "Court, you know I love you and all but I'm pretty sure cats can't roll their eyes."

She huffed herself onto my couch and turned the TV on, "I'm not crazy, I know what I saw. Plus Oscar is not an ordinary cat, you know that."

"Whatever you say," I shrugged my black leather jacket on while checking my phone, "Shit! Court I need to go. Dinners in the fridge, Ariel's sleeping and try not to burn the house down."

"Sure thing hunny. You know sometimes I feel like we're a married couple."  She hollered back at me.

I let out a giggle in return and looked around to see my best friend smirking at me, "Make us some good money tonight wifey!" 

Shaking my head, I turned around and walked out, not forgetting to lock the door on my way.


I started working at a bar called Truth when Ariel was old enough to be put into childcare and it helped heaps with expenses especially because I made a fair amount in tips being Melbourne's hottest club.

Tonight wasn't usually a busy night but I remember Aiden, a guy who works some shifts with me – telling me about some bachelor party being thrown in the function room. 

Lucky me - had the privilege of being the private bartender tonight for some rowdy men.

Notice the sarcasm.

It was quarter to nine when men filled the VIP section. I was just cleaning up the last guests mess when they barged in. Working at this club for many years you learn how to ignore the catcalls from the men and the glares from the women. 

I eyed the gentlemen one by one as they all observed the room. They didn't look like the typical rich upper class men that I had been expecting. The first person I noticed was the groom. He had an oddly familiar face but I just couldn't put my finger on it. His features were the typical golden boy look - brown eyes, blonde hair and a money making smile. I knew he was the groom because of the crown on his head and white sash.

I hadn't realised that I was staring until his gaze met mine and he stared at me in wonder for a few seconds, scrutinising my face as if he knew me and I did the same. He looked to be about in his late 20's maybe early 30's.

A couple of hours later, the men were in full swing - absolutely smashed off their faces and dancing to any song that played - including Taylor Swift. I was cleaning up the bench full of sticky liquid while listening to the two men in front of me converse. 

"Where's the strippers at bro? It's the only reason I came to this shit." One of the guys joked to his friend.

The other guy laughed loudly, "Oh I think Parker said strippers were on hold for the best-man - until he gets here, strict orders man, gotta listen to the groom."

I couldn't help but snicker when the first guy groaned in annoyance to what his friend said. They both turned to look at me and I cursed myself internally for not being quiet enough.

"What is a pretty woman like you doing slaving behind the bar?" I rolled my eyes at that one, oh please.

"To serve handsome men like you of course, why else?" 

Both men laughed loudly before ordering another round and I couldnt help but stare at the groom. He reminded me of Jay's old bestfriend but I wasnt convinced and continued on with the next person waiting.


It was into the early hours of the morning when I arrived home and I was exhausted. 

Working at Truth had it's perks but the hours were not one of them. When it came to working for private functions, there were no set times to when we finished - it was just whenever the guests decide to leave. 

I tip-toed inside my apartment and cursed when the floor creaked under my feet. 

All I wanted to do was head to bed and let my aching body rest but I knew I would rather wake up to a clean house in the morning.

By the time I finished scrubbing pasta sauce off the walls and picking up Ariel's barbies off the ground, it was almost 4:30 in the morning. I had to be up in 3 hours to get Ariel ready for school and then work. If i didn't get any sleep now, then I'd be a zombie tomorrow.

After checking  on Ariel and giving her a small kiss goodnight, I headed to my bedroom, stripped out of my work clothes and slipped into the covers. It wasn't long before my body completely relaxed and I entered dreamland but I was met with two blue eyes that never failed to visit me every night. 

Just a heartbreaking reminder of the naive girl I once was.


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