Chapter 6: Old Flames

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Well, it's been 2 months since i've updated :( I'm really sorry! I've kinda had writers block with this story so I started a new one (that I haven't posted) but don't worry, writers block is gone hallelujah!!! Anywho, this is a bit of a lengthy chapter sorta. I hope you enjoy it, don't be shy to leave me feedback on my profile or in the comments. Even hate for not updating is welcomed since I do deserve it hahaha <3

Also i'm so excited, it's only 6 days till my birthday woooo!!!  

Chapter 6: Old Flames

- - - Past - - -

Staring at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but smirk at what I saw. Not going to lie, he was going to die when he saw me. My legs were covered in dark jeans with rips through the knees. They were tight and generously showed my assets off. I wore a low cut, black, off the shoulder blouse and I dressed the outfit with a killer pair of knee length black boots.

I wasn't a tease...but I did love to tease the man who's so hellbent on wanting me. My attire may be over the top for a class excursion but I didn't care. Half the girls in my tutes wore low cut boob spilling tops to impress our professor and it takes all of my power not to reach over and poke a hole in their blow up prized possessions. Apart of me wonders why I would do that, considering I'm not even interested in the man but —

Okay that's a lie — I'm mildly interested in the man but he's off limits so...

"Holy moly, who are you trying to impress?" my best friend Courtney walked in and flopped down on my bed with a bag of popcorn in her hands.

I gave her a look as she dropped popcorn on my bed, "No one. I have an excursion today with our class and professor. Some fancy museum you know."

She eyed my outfit up and down, "Uh-huh sure. Are you sure, this," she gestured to my outfit, "Isn't all for a certain hottie professor?"

I gasped as what she was implying was untrue, "Of course not, you know me better than that Court."

She smirked, "I know you yes, but your cooter on the other hand — I'm not so sure of — she's got a mind of her own."

I laughed despite my obvious flaming face, "Touché, bitch, touché."

"Who goes on excursions in university anyways? Christ, the last time I went on an excursion was in high school. I think it was to the chocolate factory or zoo, who knows." She mumbled, lying on her back, legs against the headboard of my bed and the packet of popcorn resting on her stomach.

"Yeah well I don't know, but Mr. Black wants to take a look at the history of writing at some museum. Sounds boring if you ask me." I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth, ignoring Courtney's scowl. She can be so greedy sometimes.

"Mr. Black huh?" She mused and then slapped my hand when I reached for some more popcorn, "Mine."

I rolled my eyes at her childishness but stuck my tongue out nevertheless, "Learn to share fatty."

She stuck her finger up at me and then smirked, "Anyways back to this boring excursion...I'm sure by the way you're dressed you'll find something to pass time, maybe with a certain professor—"

I cut her off by whacking her in the face with my pillow, the popcorn flew up everywhere all over my bed and I groaned, standing up.

"Shotgun not cleaning this up!" She jumped up from the bed in fast speed.

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