Dynamic Duo

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Jaiden's mission led him the next city over.

"I wonder what the problem over here is."

The city was packed with people. Tall buildings were everywhere. Constant noise and traffic. It was much bigger than the city at home.

"This city is beautiful."

The ping led Jaiden to a high rise.
Jaiden looked at his phone to check which room was Tim's.


Jaiden tapped on the room's buzzer from a screen near the entrance.

"Hello?" The voice sounded unamused.

"Pish Posh" It was the password Christian gave Jaiden.

"What?" Tim was confused

"I must've said the wrong password."

Jaiden swiped to his next screenshot.

"Ok this must be it, 'Reader has socks off?' is that it?"

"Who the hell are you?" Tim clenched is fist at the thought of an enemy finding out where he was.

"Sorry Tim, I found the right one, *Ahem* 'Reader has socks on' there you go."

"Oh, ok. Head right in weirdo. Christian must've sent you, why didn't you just say that?"

Jaiden walked in and headed to the elevator.

"9th floor... okay."

Jaiden nervously let out a breath.
He wanted to give a good first impression, Christian told Jaiden that he had to help Tim for Tim to help them in the future.

The elevator door opened, only a step away was a door, "This whole floor must be his, nice."

The door cracked open and a deep, stern voice spoke, it wasn't Tim, "what's your name?"

"Its Jaiden."

"That's a stupid name, I'm gonna call you Waiden.

The door opened completely to reveal the ugliest woman Jaiden has ever seen.

"My name is Taywrin, Tim is waiting for you in the meeting room, I'll lead you there."

Jaiden felt a stupid aura from Taywrin. He followed her into a room with a long oval table and seats all around, there were 6 people seated, only 2 open seats for Jaiden and Taywrin.

Tim turned to Jaiden and stood from his seat.

"WierdoMan, I hope you've got it in you to be the help Christian said you'd be."

The other heroes chuckled and then got serious when Tim turned on a big screen.

The screen displayed an Alien that looked like a purple, muscular human. It showed his measurements as well, 7'6 ft tall and 350 lbs.

"We have Seth's location, for those of you who don't know who Seth is, he is a humanoid Alien who is strong enough to throw building's and can read minds."

A person seated spoke up, "All of us for that guy?"

"Shut up Kateleena. Let me finish the presentation before you ask questions."

Jaiden was focused on the screen, this guy was serious.

The screen switched, showing a human man who had an average build and had headphones on.

"Unlike before, Seth has human allies, this is Threy, but he goes by Deaf. He can scream at decibels which may deafen listeners."

The slide switches again.

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