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“Gillian.” Quinlan said her name quietly as he gently shook her shoulder, she opened her eyes and he smiled at her.

“Sorry, I had to wake you. Look I have to get home and I’m sure Callan will be here soon, but I can’t leave you alone so I’ve called a friend that I know we can trust. He’s outside and he wont come in, but he wont leave until Callan arrives I promise you’ll be safe.” Gillian gave him a small nod. “Is everything okay?” Quinlan nodded and moved to leave, Gillian caught his hand.

“You are lying to me Quinn. What’s gone wrong?” he sat down next to her as she sat up. “Look Gill, I don’t know, but it doesn’t help worrying yourself sick about it. I’m going to find out and I swear the second I know I’ll send you a message, Cal’s computer is there. I’ll leave it on, you’ll hear any messages that come through but you have to swear you wont read any except mine okay.” He teased, Gillian promised anyway and before Quinlan got up to leave she threw her arms around him. ‘Be safe.’ She whispered. “Promise we always are.”

After Quinlan left Gillian got up and wondered around the cabin, the daylight fading outside. She decided to have a quick shower, again grateful for her things that the brothers had packed for her and then she sat to babysit Callan’s computer.

She sat by the table, with Callan’s favourite book open in front of her and his computer next to it. Her eyes unable to remain on the words in the book she found herself glancing over at the screen ever few seconds. It had beeped three times all messages from Gabby, she could see that Quinlan answered his wife, but the words that flashed over the screen were not in any language she recognised. She wondered how she would read his message when he sent one surely he wouldn’t send it in a language that she was unable to read. She lay on the table, her head on her arms fighting with her eyes to remain open.

Again she dreamt of Callan, how his strong arms held her and how he kissed her with intense passion taking her to the brim of complete ecstasy. Once more just before they got to make love something jolted her from her sleep.

She sat upright, her heart racing. She looked at the computer screen... tears trickling down her face. His smile grew. “Hi gorgeous.” She could see the beginning of a painful bruise on his beautiful strong jaw and she knew this time she wasn't dreaming. “Hi.” She whispered her voice small. “Quinn and I will be there soon. I promise.” Gillian smiled through her tears that she didn’t bother trying to control.

Quinlan’s face came onto the screen; “gathered you’d be okay with him being the message.” Gillian nodded. “Thank you. Want some food?” both men laughed. Callan gave her a nod. “That would be wonderful Gillian, but you don’t have to. I’ll whip something up when I get there. Quinn’s just going to kick me out the car and race home, Gabby is ready to skin him alive.” Gillian smiled. “Quinn buy pizzas and wine on your way home, and if you have chocolates Gabby will jump you in a heartbeat.” Again the brothers laughed, but Quinlan thanked her. “I totally should have thought of that Gill, thanks for the idea. Perhaps two bottles of her favourite.”

For a moment Gillian just stared into Callan’s eyes, she wiped her tears. “Okay I’ll make us some supper, drive safe.” Callan blew her a kiss. “See you in twenty minutes.”

Gillian couldn't help feeling giddy at what the night could have in store for her and Callan. She hummed to herself while she pulled a supper together from the ingredients she found in the fridge and cupboard. She had just filled the kettle to make herself some coffee when she heard the car pull up to the cabin.

She ran and flung open the door as Quinlan drove off. Callan gave her a boyish grin. “Told you he was just going to kick me out and go.” Gillian flung her arms around him and pulled her body as close to him as she could. His arms around her he lifted her off her feet, carried her inside and closed the door behind them. Before the doors latched sounded in its place his lips were on hers, his kiss filled with more passion then those of her dreams a lustful sound from him fuelling the lust she felt for him.

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