40 ❁ 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛

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Kayanna smiled as she followed John B out of the police station. Although she felt like she needed the longest shower of her life, she felt fresh on the inside. They'd both been cleared. Somehow they'd only found Lana's prints on the gun, and the bullet matched the gun.

They both felt like the weight of the world had been taken off of their shoulders. They felt like they could breathe again.

The two set off in the direction of the Chateau. Although there had been a massive storm the night before, it was almost unperceivable. The world around them looked fresh and new.

Kayanna smiled as the road cleared and she could see the beautiful sunrise in the sky. She took a deep breath as she soaked it all in. Her smile wouldn't leave her face. Soon she let out a small laugh.

"What?" John B asked, a smile on his lips as well.

"We're free." She responded. Her smile stretched to her eyes.

"We're free." He repeated, as if it were too good to be true.

They continued walking, not even minding the long walk to the Chateau, when they heard a series of honks coming from behind them. They turned just as Kiara's car pulled up beside them. Almost immediately. Kie and JJ were in their faces, hugging them and asking what happened.

Kayanna had hugged Kie for a good minute before she hugged JJ. When she let him go she looked around.

"Where's Pope?" She asked, suddenly feeling his absence stronger than ever before.

Kie smiled, "He should be meeting us at the Chateau." She glanced at John B. "Sarah should be there too. We were gonna continue our plan for helping you two out."

"You guys had a plan?" John B joked, acting as if it were impossible.

Kie just rolled her eyes and told him to get in the car.

They all piled in, JJ in the passenger seat and Kay and John B in the back. At JJ and Kie's request, John B and Kayanna quickly explained everything that had happened to them in the time since they'd last seen them. When they'd finally finished JJ turned in his seat to look at Kayanna.

"Hey Kayanna," He started.

"Hey JJ."

"You wouldn't happen to have any snacks on you, would you-- Ow!" He overreacted when Kie lightly backhanded his arm closest to her.

"Of course she doesn't, JJ. She's been running the past day." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Heyy, Kiara, if you keep rolling your eyes you won't be able to see where you're driving." He paused. "And we'll all die." He watched Kie's reation. "And then, Kayanna and John B running for their lives the past day will be all for nothing."

"Shut up." She responded, but there was a smile on her lips.

• ❁ •

Kayanna's heart beat quickly in anticipation as the Kie pulled the car up to the Chateau. She unbuckled and quickly opened her door. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she began walking towards the house. He was probably in there, right? She had her foot on the first step of the front porch when she stopped when she heard Kie call her name. When she glanced back she saw Kie nod her head softly towards the dock. Kayanna immediately looked at the dock.

There she saw a boat pulling up. Then she saw a boy grabbing a rope and wrapping it around the hook on the dock. She stopped caring to watch. She stepped off the stair and walked toward the long dock, suddenly feeling nervous.

❁ • 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 • ❁                               a pope heyward fanficWhere stories live. Discover now